Are you someone who’d prefer to use Lenormand for personal development than in its more traditional fortune-telling role?
I’ve talked a little bit previously about ways you can use the Lenormand cards as a personal tool rather than for fortune telling per se. And I’ve also talked about some basic practice exercises you can do for your Lenormand journal, although these are mainly focused on fortune telling uses.
But what about some specific exercises for your own personal development with Lenormand?
See below for five you can try: or adapt as required for your own purposes and in ways that work for you!
1. Daily Draw/Card Meditation
Rather than just writing about the cards and their meanings, this is about focusing on the card and its meaning as it manifests or may manifest in your own life. This is an exercise many would choose to do daily, but it doesn’t have to be; it can be less frequent than that. You could even have a Card of The Week, for example, if you’d like to spend more time with a particular card or energy you are working through.
- Either draw a card from your deck at random, or in response to a specific question. For example, “What energies in my life should I be thinking about today?”, “What influences on my life should I consider at this time?” and so on.
- Focus first on the symbol on the card and its meaning, meditating on it if you wish. What area or influence in your life at present is that card highlighting? What kind of energy does it represent? How is that energy manifesting in YOUR life right now?
- What lessons or messages do you think that card might be giving you? (Take a look at the Card Meanings Messages on the Card Meanings page if you are not sure). Depending on the card, is there too much of it, perhaps? Or is there not enough?
- How might you apply that message or lesson its sending you to your life right now?
You can also try this one with two-card combinations, rather than just a single card, for a more honed message and energy (and which, of course, will also get you familiar and practising with your card combinations!)
2. 3-Card Guidance To Processing A Situation
Got a situation you want some considered advice on? You can expand the 1-Card exercise above, by using a 3-card spread, and the Past-Present-Future method to look at the influences moving out of that situation, the current influences and lessons and ones that are likely to arise and need tackling or acting on next.
- Shuffle the cards, thinking of the particular situation you want to work through. When ready, draw three cards.
- First, focus on the centre card. That is the Now, the core of the reading. The current situation. What is it telling you? What message is it giving about what is going on with this situation right now?
- Now, turn your attention to the first card. This represents the factors, energies or forces that have led up to this current situation. Think about what that means. Think about how it might have led to the current situation. Then think about what you have or might have learned from that.
- Now look at the third card. This represents influences that are coming into the situation and need to be considered next. How does the middle card, the Now card, feed into that energy? What lessons could you take from that?
- Looking at all three cards together, what story does that tell you? What can you learn from that and what actions can you take?
3. Lessons for the week
This kind of mixes personal development with a fortune telling approach, and uses the 5 Card spread.
- Shuffle, and ask the question of the cards, “What are the main lessons coming up/that I should focus on this week?”
- Lay the cards in a 5-Card spread
- In terms of steps, read in the usual way, but focus each of the meanings in the context of things that are actionable and the message of the cards rather than on telling your fortune
- Don’t forget to read in a chain as well. What is the story that the cards are telling you from left to right?
4.What Should I Do in X Situation?
This is just one of the questions you can ask to elicit action or advisory responses from the cards. Others might be, for instance, “What should I be aware of in X situation?” or “What actions can I take in X situation?” depending on what you want to get out of it.
For this, you can use a 5-Card spread again, as above, or a 9-Card, but remember to read it all the cards together in terms of influences and/or actions. I would tend to focus the cards in the past towards influences and the cards coming up towards actions.
You also have the option between using a keycard to focus the reading or not. And for more on this, take a look at the post Keycard or No Keycard? That is The Question.
5. Exploring The Root of an Issue
This is really a job for the 9-Card Spread, because this spread excels in digging out the kind of information you want for a root reading. Use this when you are trying to assess the underlying factors and influences in any situation in your life.
Again, shuffle the cards, keeping the situation you want to explore in mind. You can read blind or use a relevant keycard to represent it if you wish. If you do so, place this at the centre of the reading.
Follow the steps in the 9-Card spread to get as much information as you can and try to tell yourself the ‘story’ of this reading as it relates to your life. (You can check out more info on how to link cards in the Telling A Story With Lenormand post.)
Now you have all the information at your fingertips, ask yourself how you can use this information. What lessons can you learn? What actions might you want to take off the back of what you now know?
These are just some examples of exercises you can do, but a start.
I think the main thing to take from this is that once you have the basics of the Lenormand system down, you can adapt and start to use the cards in a way that is as personalised as you need for whatever you want to do. Lenormand can be a fortune-telling system if you wish it— but it can be a great personal development tool too.
Want More?
For a FREE card combinations PDF E-Book, sign up to my mailing list for weekly newsletters and other freebies. This ebook is also available to buy for Kindle, mobile, tablet as well as being now in printed paperbook format from Amazon.
Complete Guide to Lenormand e-book, available from Amazon, Nook, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books & other ebook platforms. Soon to be available in printed paperback format and here as a PDF.
Check out my Career Readings and Love Readings workbooks to practice readings in context.
Or head to the Shop for other goodies. More stuff coming soon!
Hello, Lozzy. Could you please explain the following, with an example: “In terms of steps, read in the usual way, but focus each of the meanings in the context of things that are actionable and the message of the cards rather than on telling your fortune”?
How could we do that? Should we transform the meanings of the cards into verbs?
Hi Guy,
You can make some of them verbs, or you could just take a ‘message’ from the cards. For example, if you asked the cards simply for a piece of advice, and you got Dog Fish Birds (Friend, Cash/Business, Talk), you could read that as a suggestion to “Talk With A Friend About Cash or Your Business.” You can apply the essence of the cards to any context; it doesn’t have to be a future prediction. I give some more examples in the post A Quick Way To Get Advice From Your Lenormand Cards
Hope that helps. Lozzy.