What’s Coming Up For Me This Week? July 11th 2022

This week, we’re going to be looking in more detail at the 5-Card Spread, otherwise known as the Line of 5.

It can be quite a neglected spread, which is a pity because it’s one of the most useful spreads out there!

What Do You Need To Be Able To Read A Line Of 5?

How Do You Read A Line Of 5?

Instructions on how to read a line of 5 can be found in the following article:

How To Read A 5-Card Spread


This Week’s Reading: What’s Coming Up For Me This Week?

Take a look at these cards and test yourself on what you think they mean!

Questions to ask yourself:

  • What does each card mean separately?
  • What is at the core or heart of this reading for the week?
  • Read Cards 1+5 together and 2+4 together around that centre card. What does that tell you the overall  ‘story’ of this reading is?
  • Now read Cards 1+2, followed by 2+3, 3+4, 4+5, and put the ‘story’ into a chain. What does that story tell you?
  • Is there any extra info you can get from these cards? If so, what?

Now put it all together as one in answer to the question: What’s Coming Up For Me This Week?

Check My Detailed Step by Step Answer Here!


You’ll need to push and work hard in order to implement or get the future changes you want which is likely to be a major challenge for you this week. An answer or new solution brings the need to change things, but this proves difficult and burdensome, with lots of effort and discipline required to get going. You may even receive some harsh criticism.

Bear in mind that even though changes require effort, they are likely to be necessary. Effort, discipline and drive is key and you may find that hard this week. It’s time to push yourself.



So how well did the cards predict my week? Pretty well. I do indeed have some major changes I need to make that I’ve been planning but doing so involves so much ‘extra’ work, I felt very overloaded. I did not get as much done as I wanted and felt rather frustrated and unappreciated by some for what I do and the all the work and effort I’ve put in. Towards the end of the week, though, I saw my efficiencies in my work improving. Sometimes, you just have to do what you need to do and push through.




You MUST have a solid understanding of both card meanings and how card combinations work to be able to read the Line of 5.

My Learn Card Meanings & Learn To Read Card Combinations Online Course Bundle will give you a solid grounding and a ton of practice in BOTH!

What’s more, if you get them together, you save over 20% of the price!


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  1. Pingback: What’s Coming Up For Me This Week? July 18th. – Lozzy's Lenormand

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