The cards I picked for last week were spot-on, pretty much. I DID spend my whole week writing, fingers to keyboard, and accuracy was key. It seemed to be pretty much all business-related writing rather than my fiction. It was a good week in general though – tiring but productive.
So what’s in store for me this week?
Decision – Success – FINANCES – Stability – Woman
Key Card = BEAR = Finances, Material Security
Central Cards
Sun – Bear = Financial Success
Bear – Anchor = Long term Finances, Financial Security, Stable Finances
Mirrored Cards
Scythe-Woman = Woman’s (My) Decision
Sun-Anchor = Long Term or Lasting Success
So this week a continuation of last really as to why I made the decision to take on the writing work I did; but this week the focus is on the financial security aspect and creating a stable and secure base for myself.
5-Card Chain
Scythe -Sun = Successful Decision
Sun-Bear = Financial Success
Bear-Anchor = Long-Term Finances, Stable Finances
Anchor-Woman = My Security & Stability
A successful decision’s been made about financial success focusing on long-term finances and a financial stability and my financial security; a stable financial base.
In More Detail
Scythe -Sun = Successful Decision
Scythe-Bear = Financial Decision
Scythe-Anchor = Long-Term Decision
Scythe-Woman = My (Woman’s) Decision
I’ve made a successful decision about my long term finances.
Sun-Bear = Financial Success
Sun-Anchor =Long-Term Success
Sun-Woman = My Success
The success is about money in the long term and my success and happiness
Bear-Anchor = Long-Term Finances, Stable Finances
Bear-Woman = My Finances
It’s all about my long term finances and stability
Anchor-Woman = My Security & Stability
Which gives me the secure base I need.
Initial Comments
Yep. I’m juggling many things and some of it is quite experimental at the moment, the fiction writing especially. Which means that my income can be very up and down although it has several streams – but they can vary wildly. It’s very feast or famine. The work I took on last week was regular and steady and provided a stable flow of income which will continue to be regular as long as I want it. This gives me the secure back-up I need in order to be able to continue with the other stuff I’m doing and my plans for the future without being in a constant state of panic.
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