As context is so important in clarifying Lenormand meanings and getting the “story” of the cards right (see posts How To Tell A Story With Lenormand and How Do I Know Which Card Meaning is Right?) from now on in my weekly reading posts, I’m going to be including the reading contexts wherever I can. Sometimes the readings will genuinely be just general, but a lot of the time, there are specific things going on.
This week’s context is: Money & Business
The cards I pulled this morning for this week were as follows:
Central Cards:
BEAR = Finances, Money
Fish-Bear = Cashflow, Money Business, Financial Freedom
Bear-Lily = Maturing Finances, Past Finances, Old Money, Inheritance
Mirrored Cards:
Garden-Crossroads = A choice of marketplaces, networks or social groups, multiple audiences
Fish-Lily = Mature, maturing or experienced business
It looks as if some “old money” will be coming in to add to cashflow, perhaps from past or maturing business activities, and likely from multiple public sources.
So let’s get a bit more detail and see if the cards tell us anything more.
5-Card Chain
Garden-Fish= Business market, Business groups or networks
Fish-Bear=Financial business, cash flow
Bear-Lily=Mature or past money, inheritance
Lily-Crossroads=A number of things coming to maturity
In terms of markets or audiences “out there”, cash flow will likely be improved as a result of past efforts, with a number of them now coming to maturity or fruition.
Further Detail
Garden-Fish= Business market, Business groups or networks
Garden-Bear= Financial marketplace, financial group
Garden-Lily= Experienced or longstanding group or market, mature public
Garden-Crossroads=Multiple groups or markets
A business or businesses that have matured publicly or ‘out there’ financially, possibly with a number of different audiences
Fish-Bear=Financial business, cash flow
Fish-Lily=Maturing business, experienced business
Fish-Crossroads=Multiple businesses, choice of business
A maturing business or number of businesses and their associated cash flow
Bear-Lily=Mature or past money, inheritance
Bear-Crossroads=Multiple income sources
“Old” money coming in from multiple sources.
Lily-Crossroads=A number of things coming to maturity
Several things coming to maturity
So, yes.
Money coming in from multiple business sources, most likely from past efforts. The business or businesses concerned have matured publicly or ‘out there’ financially, possibly with a number of different audiences. Each of those are maturing and have their own cash flow. Money is coming in from multiple sources and will be as the result of all of them coming to maturity at the same time.