A productive week last week, although not easy. A number of things coming to fruition. Plus a huge piece of unexpected money luck, and a lovely and much-needed weekend with friends.
Here are the cards I’ve pulled for my week upcoming:
Key Card = HOUSE = home, domesticity, name
Central Cards
Tree-House = Home growth, domestic health, family health
House-Fox = “Work” house, working at home, house smarts, theft (I really hope not)
Rider-Sun = Success upcoming, success arrives
Tree – Fox = Work health, occupational health
Well, this looks positive, if not necessarily easy – I’m slightly uneasy about the Fox card, tbh, because of its association with theft and – in association with the house – burglary. My feeling is that it’s more about ‘hustle’ and survival in this case with regard to my various projects and ‘domains’, the projects and plans I’ve been working diligently on in the last few months – there’s certainly a need for alertness, although both the Sun and the Tree are indicating positivity and growth. Just worth me keeping my wits about me, I’d say.
5-card Chain
Rider-Tree = Health arrives, growth upcoming, karma, spiritual arrival
Tree-House = Domestic growth, Home health, family health
House-Fox – Work house, domestic work
Fox-Sun – Successful work, successful employee, survival
Yep, it’s looking good – a continuation of what’s been happening with me in the last week or so, which has indeed had to be very Fox-like.
More Details
Rider-Tree = Health arrives, growth upcoming
Rider-House = Visitor, domestic arrival
Rider-Fox = Work arrives, smart visitor, hustle on the way
Rider-Sun = Successful news, success upcoming
Tree-House = Domestic growth, Home health
Tree-Fox = Work growth, work karma, occupational health
Tree-Sun = Successful growth, blossoming, life force, spring
House-Fox – Work house, working from home
House-Sun – Successful family, success or achievement at home
Fox-Sun – Successful work, survival, cunning
So a continuation of last week’s hard work really – it looks as if it will start bearing fruit.
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And for guidance on the different card layouts for readings, do take a look at the Card Layouts instructions.