Well, a lovely sunny day outside; Spring is springing! And yesterday was apparently the UK’s hottest February day on record.
Appropriate, then, that here are the cards, in answer to the question of what is coming up in my life this week:
Man – Knowledge – Positivity – Stability – Arrival
Key Card = BOUQUET = Positivity, Blessing, Something Nice
Hurrah! I always tend to see the Bouquet card as a “blessing”
Central Cards:
Book-Bouquet = Lovely knowledge or secret or lovely/blessed book
Bouquet-Anchor= Long-term lasting loveliness, positivity or blessing
Man-Rider – A new man arrives
Book-Anchor = Long-term or stable knowledge
A positive week, where something nice happens, connected to a new man coming into my life with probably extensive long-term knowledge.
Hmm. Interesting…see my initial comments below.
5-Card Chain
Man-Books = Knowledgeable or learned man
Books-Bouquet = Lovely knowledge
Bouquet-Anchor = Long term blessings or positivity
Anchor-Rider = Upcoming stability
A knowledgeable or learned man – or male writer – brings blessings and positivity and stability.
In More Detail
Man-Books = Knowledgeable or learned man
Man-Bouquet = Lovely, pleasant or handsome man
Man-Anchor = Stable man
Man-Rider = Man arrives, new individual, visitor
So a pleasant male visitor, presumably someone I don’t already know
Books-Bouquet = Lovely knowledge, learning or books
Books-Anchor = Long term or lasting knowledge, learning or book
Books-Rider = Arrival of knowledge, launch of book
Positivity around knowledge and learning, perhaps learning something new
Bouquet-Anchor = Long term blessings or positivity
Bouquet-Rider = Arrival of blessings, a gift, positivity
Anchor-Rider = Upcoming stability
A lasting gift of some sort, which brings stability
Initial Comments:
This all looks good, and is appropriate with Spring in the air.
One comment to make is that- recently, whenever I’ve drawn cards privately about anything to do with Lenormand or this website – this Man card turns up. In every reading – every one. To the point it’s almost spooky. It’s not in a romantic sense from what I can tell, but I’m finding him turning up , every time, whenever I ask a question about this website. Whoever he is – and he may just be a male author, someone who I read – he seems to be bringing me positive energies at the moment.
I do seem to be learning a lot from a particular male at the moment who is writing and giving information in my business area.