What’s Coming Up For Me This Week? July 18th.

So how are you with your 5-card spreads?

This month, I’m looking at some of those ‘regular’ readings live, and putting my own on here, so you can see how they work.

You can explore my beginning-of-the-month Grand Tableau and see how YOU would interpret it!

As well taking a look at last week’s 5-card weekly reading – with an update as to its accuracy!

5-Card spreads are GREAT for weekly readings because:

If you want to find out more about the 5-Card spread, why not check out my 5-Card Spread Resources page?

Discover 5-Card Spread Resources

Meanwhile, here are this week’s cards. How would you interpret them?

What’s Coming Up For Me This Week? 18th July 2022

Here are this week’s 5 cards, this time with the Ciro Marchetti Gilded Reverie deck.


Questions to ask yourself:

  • What does each card mean separately?
  • What is at the core or heart of this reading for the week?
  • Read Cards 1+5 together and 2+4 together around that centre card. What does that tell you the overall  ‘story’ of this reading is?
  • Now read Cards 1+2, followed by 2+3, 3+4, 4+5, and put the ‘story’ into a chain. What does that story tell you?
  • Is there any extra info you can get from these cards? If so, what?

Now put it all together as one in answer to the question: What’s Coming Up For Me This Week?




I could be considering my long term dreams and goals and a desire for stability and certainty, and looking for a foundation of things that I’m passionate about; loves and passions that will last and provide that stability. It looks as though focusing on loves and passions, the things I care about, will bring me happiness and success, and all stability and goals need to include the things and people I love.

1 thought on “What’s Coming Up For Me This Week? July 18th.”

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