Coming up for me this week, apparently.
Here are the five cards I pulled.
Talk – Health – Cut – Problem – Organisation
Yikes! 🙁
Key card = SCYTHE = Cut, Reduction, Decision
Central Cards:
Tree-Scythe = Reduced health or growth
Scythe-Snake = Problematic cut, problems cut, accident
Birds-Tower = Official conversation/communication
Tree-Snake = Problem growth, problematic development, problematic health; health problem
A decision or reduction of some kind to do with a health problem and an official conversation.
5-Card Spread:
Birds-Tree = Health or growth conversation
Tree-Scythe = Reduced health, reduced growth
Scythe-Snake = Problem reduction, difficult decision
Snake-Tower = Official problem
In More Detail:
Birds-Tree = Health or growth conversation
Birds-Scythe = Swift or decisive conversation
Birds-Snake = Difficult conversation, problem conversation
Birds-Tower = Official communication
Tree-Scythe = Reduced health, reduced growth
Tree-Snake = Problematic growth, problem health
Tree-Tower = Official health
Scythe-Snake = Problem reduction, difficult decision
Scythe-Tower = Official decision
Snake-Tower = Official problem
Urgh. Doesn’t sound good, does it? The only bit of positivity I can see is that the problem MIGHT be reduced or slashed (Scythe-Snake) – but that is only a positive reading of that particular combination; there are several negative.
Here’s the 9-Card Spread about the Problem itself:
So what can this tell us is going on here?
Surrounding the problem (SNAKE) we’ve got:
Storks-Scythe-Stars-Bouquet =
A decisive swift or shortened fresh start; ambitious decision, lovely ambition or achievement
OK, so, let’s see:
About this problem
Fox-Storks-Tree = Fresh start at work, healthy new beginning, health or spiritual work
The problem itself
Scythe-Snake- Bouquet = Bad decision, problem cut; positive resolution; positive decision
Additional information
Child-Stars-Lily = Ambitious or ‘star’ child or newbie; experienced or older person ambitions; older child or newbie
Fox-Scythe-Child: Job loss, cut job; newbie’s decision, new job
Storks-Snake-Stars: Problematic new start; challenging goals, overambition; ambitious new start
Tree-Bouquet-Lily = Blossoming health; late blooming; mature growth
Past to future
Fox-Snake-Lily = Problem job; experience or past problem; mature/experienced/past worker
Child-Snake-Tree = Difficult newbie; health problem; healthy newbie
Which all sounds rather more positive. It sounds like beginner’s problems which will resolve. I certainly hope so.
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