Another five cards for my personal general reading this week.
Quick update on where I’m at:
Still very busy, with a fiction and non-fiction book in the offing and running two websites. I sometimes feel I’m in the middle of a lake, paddling furiously but wondering when I’m going to get to the other side. Outgoings are low but money is very tight. Although I had some tremendous luck on the money front over the weekend . I am making good but slow progress with what I wanted to do and the life I want to lead. And I have a huge amount of freedom, which is something close to my heart.
Oh – and at the end of the week, for some post-Halloween fun, I am meeting a friend near where I used to live in London, and we’re going on a ghost tour! I miss my old stamping-ground a lot, and there’s some fascinating history in that area which we’re going to explore.
What’s Coming Up For Me This Week?
Creativity/Emotions – Home – Books/Secret/Knowledge – Health/Spirituality – Love/Passion/Heart
Key card = BOOK
At the heart of the reading = Secrets, knowledge, something hidden, books
Central Cards
House-Book = Publishers; library; schoolroom; knowledge or book centre; hidden house
Book-Tree = Spiritual book; health secret; karmic knowledge or spiritual learning
I think this points to some kind of karma or core knowledge
Moon-Heart = Heartfelt emotions; passionate creativity; romantic feelings
House-Tree = Spiritual home; health centre; overall health
Heartfelt feelings and creativity and my spiritual home
So my reading this week seems to be about secrets, knowledge, something hidden, with possibly some kind of karma or spiritual knowledge at the heart of it. Passionate feelings and creativity and my spiritual home.
Five-Card Chain
Moon-House = Home emotions; at-home creativity; feeling of being at home
House-Book = Publishers; library; schoolroom; knowledge or book centre; hidden house
Book-Tree = Spiritual knowledge; karmic secret; health knowledge
Tree-Heart = Heart health issues; loving karma; old love
A deep-rooted sense of being at home, something spiritual and heartfelt, along with learning or a hidden knowledge and possible karmic forces.
In More Detail
Moon-House = Home emotions; at-home creativity
Moon-Book = Book creativity; hidden feelings; feeling of knowing
Moon-Tree = Spiritual/karmic feelings; healthy creativity; healthy emotions
Moon-Heart = Heartfelt emotions; passionate creativity; romantic feelings
Spiritual or passionate feelings and a sense of being at home
House-Book = Publishers; library; schoolroom; knowledge or book centre; hidden house
House-Tree = Spiritual home; karmic place; health centre
House-Heart = Loving home; domestic happiness
Homecoming; knowledge centre; spirituality
Book-Tree = Spiritual knowledge; karmic secret; health knowledge
Book-Heart = Love secret; passionate knowledge
Some sort of spiritual or heartfelt knowledge or secret
Tree-Heart = Heart health issues; loving karma; old love
Karma or something deep-rooted
Initial comments
It was only after I’d pulled the cards that I remembered about meeting up with my friend for the ghost tour at the end of the week. I’m getting a really strong sense about this; nothing negative at all, but possibly that’s where all the “homecoming” vibes are coming from. Let’s see.
Much as I thought, this does seem to have been about my meet-up with my friend. The ghost tour itself was pretty rubbish, but it was lovely to be back “home” again in such a beautiful part of London which will always be close to my heart.
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