UK News w/c 16th December 2018

Here are the cards I drew for the UK for this week:

What’s Coming Up For The UK This Week? (No Key Card)




Centre Cards

Letter-Sun = Success story, successful document

Sun-Scythe = Reduced or diminished success, swift success


Fox-Ship = Travelling work, overseas work

Letter-Scythe = Cut story, reduced documentation

?? Some sort of diminished success story re: overseas work or foreign workers??

5-Card Chain

Fox-Letter = Written work; documented work (work visa?)

Letter-Sun = Success story, successful document

Sun-Scythe = Reduced success , swift success

Scythe-Ship = Reduction in travel times; shortened journey

?? Some kind of fast-tracking in terms of work or travel documentation??

More Detail

Fox-Letter = Written work; documented work (work visa?)

Fox-Sun = Successful work or worker, survivor

Fox-Scythe = Cut survival; job loss

Fox-Ship = Overseas work or worker

Well, something to do with travel for work in any case!

Letter-Sun = Success story, successful document

Letter-Scythe = Cut story, reduced documentation

Letter-Ship = Travel document, passport? Foreign document

Perhaps some sort of Brexit-related sweetener for travelling workers?

Sun-Scythe = Reduced success 

Sun-Ship = Overseas sun; foreign success

Scythe-Ship = Reduction in travel times; shortened journey, cancelled trip, fast-track?


Initial comments

Honestly, I have no idea about this one. There was something in the news last week about us not having to have visas but instead having to pay £7 to visit Europe post-Brexit, so it might be related.


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