Quick and Easy Ways Of Reading 5-Card Spreads

In this post about 3 quick ways of reading 3-card spreads, I wanted to help my readers bridge the gap of moving from simple 2-card combinations into readings of more than two cards.

Now I want to do the same with 5-card readings, which takes a BIT more effort but can also be read super quickly if need be.

A 5-card reading has more options available than a 3-card, to varying levels of detail. You can find out more in the step-by-step guide to the 5-Card Spread here.

If you’re wondering WHEN you might want to use a five card spread, remind yourself here.

Bear in mind that you don’t HAVE to use all the detail, just know it’s there if you need it. I do tend to, as I prefer to use more rather than less info, but you can read very, very simply.

So! Here are the main three ways of reading 5 card spreads QUICKLY. Spend some time trying these out with your own cards and see how speedily you can interpret your cards!

1. Mirrored Cards Around The Centre Card

Let’s take these five cards as an example. The Question is:

Q: What Can I Expect To Come Up For Me This Week?

Lenormand Rider CardLenormand Clouds CardLenormand Heart CardLenormand House Card Lenormand Clover Card


Focus on the centre card first. In this reading, the centre card is HEART = Love. So “love” is at the core of this reading.

Next, the outside cards, read together as a combo: Rider+Clover = Good News or Luck Arrives

Next, read the cards either side of  the centre card, together as a combo: Clouds + House = Domestic uncertainty

Good News or Luck Arrives

Domestic uncertainty



Now put that into a sentence that makes sense to give the “message” of the cards. This one is something like:

Good news or a bit of luck arrives connected with domestic uncertainty around love


2. Individual Cards In A Chain, L-R

Same cards, different method

Q: What Can I Expect To Come Up For Me This Week?

Lenormand Rider CardLenormand Clouds CardLenormand Heart CardLenormand House Card Lenormand Clover Card


In this version,  you don’t use card combinations at all. Instead, you can just read the individual cards in a line from left to right in a way that makes a sentence.

Rider = Arrival, News, Visit, Something upcoming

Clouds = Uncertainty, Confusion

Heart = Love

House = Home, Domestic Life

Clover = Luck, Chance

Again, find the message of the cards by putting all of the elements into a sentence. For example:

Its arrival may be unclear or unforeseen, but love or care in the domestic sphere brings luck or opportunities


3. Combined Cards In A Chain, L-R

Again, the same cards, but a slightly enhanced method

Q: What Can I Expect To Come Up For Me This Week?

Lenormand Rider CardLenormand Clouds CardLenormand Heart CardLenormand House Card Lenormand Clover Card


This time, instead of using just the individual cards, you enrich the reading by looking at the cards in combinations, from left to right

Rider + Clouds = Uncertain, unforeseen or confusing arrival or news

Clouds+Heart = Loving, caring or romantic uncertainty or confusion

Heart + House = Domestic or familial love

House + Clover = Lucky home or family

Stringing all of the elements together into a sentence or two (and yes, it can be a mouthful and sometimes you do have to get a bit creative) could give you something like this:

Unforeseen news or an uncertain visit in a situation where there’s confusion around love or care. This is in a domestic or family situation and will eventually bring good fortune


Which Is Best And/Or Quickest Of The Three?

Let’s take a look at the three messages again:

Q: What Can I Expect To Come Up For Me This Week?

Good news or a bit of luck arrives connected with domestic uncertainty around love


Its arrival may be unclear or unforeseen, but love or care in the domestic sphere brings luck or opportunities


Unforeseen news or an uncertain visit in a situation where there’s confusion around love or care. This is in a domestic or family situation and will eventually bring good fortune


Personally, I find the quickest tends to be the first option, which usually gives me a pretty good at-a-glance overview of the situation.

I find I then get more detail from the third option —which you can also follow up by then reading each card in combination with each of those that follow it, as per my step-by-step guide to the 5-Card Spread which gets much more in depth.

Try them out yourself and see how you go. Which is your preference and why?


Do You Need More Guidance?

Go to my Lenormand Tips page for more tips about common issues and problems.

For a FREE card combinations PDF E-Book,  sign up to my mailing list for weekly newsletters and other freebies.  If you don’t want to sign up, it’s also available in both paperback and ebook format from Amazon as well as other ebook platforms.

Also, my Complete Guide to Lenormand e-book as well as my Love and Careers workbooks are now available from Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books & other ebook platforms and are all also available as downloadable/printable PDFs here in the SHOP!

Stuck? Want Me To Help Interpret one of YOUR readings?

As well as doing personal readings, I can also help you interpret your very own readings: your own layouts you’ve done with your own cards.  If you’d like some help, please see my service pages here for how to order.  You can check out samples of some reports here:







1 thought on “Quick and Easy Ways Of Reading 5-Card Spreads”

  1. Hola Lozzy: me gusta mucho tu pagina, siempre recibo tus correos, y debo traducirlos porque no se el ingles, sigue adelante, me gusta mucho tus interpretaciones. Saludos Liliana

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