Following on from our previous post about the differences between various oracle decks, let’s take a look about how you can “mix and match” decks in readings if you have more than one besides Lenormand.
As a reminder, this is what we said each type of deck is good for:
Use Le Petit Lenormand (36 cards) For: Grounded universal human concerns, events and people. Storytelling. Apply the universal concepts and combinations to situations and questions at various levels, but expect simple answers. There are “rules” in particular layouts, but the cards are still fairly instinctive and quick to use once you’re clear on meanings.
Use Le Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand (54 cards): Only if you’ve got many hours to spend and you’re super familiar with your Greek mythology! Again, this is about everyday situations in depth with lots of information from different sources and ‘types’ of prediction, but is highly complex, scholarly and not at ALL intuitive. (As you can tell, I’m not a fan)
Use Tarot (78 cards) for: In depth psychological or life journey analyses, meditation, human condition type stuff, the esoteric. Once you’re familiar with card meanings and representations, they are pretty instinctive and meaningful to use
Use Sibillas (52 Cards) For: Everyday events and people; direct and specific predictions and explorations: the lowdown on the what, where, who.
Use Kipper (36 Cards) For: Similarly, everyday events and people; direct and specific predictions and explorations: the lowdown on the what, where, who.
You can find out more about other oracle decks here.
Can You Do A Reading That Mixes Different Oracle Decks?
What if you want to do a reading that incorporates, say, a simple everyday universal answer, with an in depth psychological element AND a clear picture of events and people involved?
So say, a money and business reading that gives you:
- A deep psychological element
- An idea of how it’s manifesting in the everyday world
- Plus some key events?
Is it possible to do that with different decks?
Well, it isn’t traditional to do so, of course, but yes, it sure is!
The one deck I wouldn’t try to ‘mix and match’ like this in any way is the Grand Jeu de Mlle Lenormand, as it’s simply too complicated. So we’ll cut that out of possibilities right away.
So, A Reminder—Which Decks Are Best For…
- Spiritual or deep psychological questions: TAROT!
- Grounded everyday and universal human concerns, explorations, events & story: LE PETIT LENORMAND!
- Specific everyday events & people, the what, who where details: SIBILLAS OR KIPPER!
Two Layouts To Try
1. Big Picture Exploring Current Issues Spread
This is a reading which again, uses three different decks, and utilises 5 cards across-wise, but also reads downwards in columns.
If you wish, you can include a Significator at the top from any of the decks you’re using, either to focus the cards more on a particular issue, or one of the cards that you use to represent yourself.
First, shuffle and lay five Tarot cards horizontally in the above positions. This will represent the deeper, more psychological and spiritual aspects.
- Column 1: About The Issue At Hand: What Needs Exploring
- Column 2: Aspects To Think About or Meditate On
- Column 3: Other People’s Influence On The Situation
- Column 4: Yourself And Your Own Approach
- Column 5: Advice and Actions To Take
Next, shuffle and lay five Lenormand cards horizontally in the row below This will represent more how these deeper issues are manifesting in the everyday world. Here, I’ve used the Rana George Lenormand deck, so it may bring in more spiritual aspects to the issue, depending on which cards come up (or it may not, of course.)
Then, shuffle and lay five Sibilla or Kipper cards horizontally. This should bring in even more concrete detail of events, situations or the people involved. Here, I’m using the Italian Vera Sibilla deck, and I’ve used the Tarot Sun as a significator to focus the whole thing on Success.
So now let’s take a look at the columns first. You’ll see that the Tarot has big picture or psychological issues more, the Lenormand how it is manifesting in the everyday, and the Sibilla, more everyday situations (although all these decks can have some elements of both).
Column 1: About The Issue At Hand: What Needs ExploringDeath (Tarot), Snake (Lenormand), Hope (Vera Sibilla)
It appears that there is a massive fundamental change or transformation taking place in the querent’s life at present. The old must be let go of to bring in the new, and it may be that this is manifesting out in the world as problems and betrayals that have to be dealt with, in order to regain a sense of hopefulness about the future.
Column 2: Aspects To Think About or Meditate OnThe Hermit (Tarot), Clouds (Lenormand), Haughtiness/Pride (Vera Sibilla)
It looks as though the querent will need to spend time thinking, probably by themselves or about spending time alone, about any areas of uncertainty, or gloom in their lives, that may cause them to appear arrogant or proud in the outside world. On a more positive note, they should consider if there’s anything they’ve thought about privately that they aren’t sure about but that be used to help them shine and have pride about in the outside world?
Column 3: Other People’s Influences On The Situation/Environment
Two Of Pentacles (Tarot), House (Lenormand), Merchant(Vera Sibilla)
It looks as though there is some juggling having to go on or the querent having to balance different aspects of their environment, between home, domestic issues and those immediately around them, or specific business matters, or even a particular business person. It could well be that they feel they’re having to serve two masters at the moment; those at home, and those at work.
Column 4: Yourself & Your Own Approach
Nine of Wands (Tarot), Key (Lenormand), Cheerfulness (Vera Sibilla)
The querent is feeling rather battle-worn and somewhat defensive right now, so it’s important to find the key or the solution to both cheerfulness and ensuring they always have something to celebrate, however small.
Column 5: Advice And Actions To Take
Page Of Cups (Tarot), Fox (Lenormand), Widower (Vera Sibilla)
It’s now time for our querent to start opening up and being curious again—while making sure they’re not naive, but staying smart and alert for any issues. They also need to work out what it is they need to mourn and let go of.
Reading the Rows
Now read each row from left to right to summarise the reading.
The topic of this reading was, as per the significator chosen, Success
Tarot Row (Psychological Factors): The querent is undergoing a transformation alone, has a lot to juggle in their life, and may be feeling rather worn and defensive, so they need to open up and learn to be ‘curious’ and a beginner again.
Lenormand Row (Manifestations): There are problems or betrayals to address and this could be confusing or feel gloomy. At home or within themselves, they have to find the key or solution to staying alert and smart to deceptions or people trying to pull the wool over their eyes.
Sibilla Row (Situations & People): The querent has hopes of having something to show off to others, particularly in business matters, and needs to find something to celebrate, but also must learn what is gone and needs to be mourned and then let go of.
2. Big Life Areas Layout
This is a reading of two parts, which mixes and matches some techniques from various decks to create a detailed picture for four life areas that takes us from an underlying or psychological need to its manifestation in the outside world.
Decks used:
In this case, I am going to use the Tarot, the Lenormand AND the Kipper deck to focus on four life areas, get more detail on where the querent is with each, and then how the issue is manifesting in the outside world and what, if anything, is coming or what to do about it. (For even more precise detail, I’d use one of the Sibilla decks in place of the Kipper.)
It employs the 9-Card 3×3 Box Layout for the detailed part of the reading.
Part 1
This is a great little technique for reading Tarot cards, that I’ve slightly bastardised from a book called The Ultimate Guide To Tarot Spreads by Liz Dean.
- First, take your Tarot deck. You are only going to be using the four Aces and the Major Arcana in this reading, so put those in two separate piles, and put the rest to one side.
- Place your four Aces in the following positions: Swords at the top, Wands at the bottom, Pentacles on the right, Cups on the left.
- Swords represent the area of power, force, action, thinking and analysis, Wands, of creativity and creative projects, Pentacles, of money and business, and Cups, love and relationships. So these are the four life areas you are looking at.
- Now shuffle your Major Arcana cards. Going round the ‘board’ in order, place one Major Arcana cards either side of your Aces. They represent that life area and what you’re moving from and to. Take a look and read them.
Here’s an example:
Swords: In the area of Power, Force, Action & Thinking. The querent is moving from a place of naivety (Fool) into one of power and gaining dominion (Emperor)
Wands: In the area of Creativity & Projects. The querent i moving from being shut away working on things on their own (Hermit) to fruition and them blossoming more in preparation to be birthed to the outside world (Empress)!
Pentacles: In the area of Money & Business, the querent is moving from being very cautious and balanced when dealing with financial and business issues (Temperance) to perhaps partnering with others or really focusing on their audience, or perhaps going more with their passions (Lovers)
Cups: In the area of Love, Relationships and Emotions, the querent is moving on from a disastrous situation (Tower) to building greater wisdom and intuition about matters of the heart and learning to trust themselves (High Priestess)
(NB don’t forget that the Tarot Tower and the Lenormand Tower have VERY different meanings!)
Part 2
You now have four sets of three Tarot cards, and now we’re going to dig deeper. You can either choose just ONE of these life areas to explore in more depth, or you can build up a bigger picture for all four. Up to you.
Make yourself some space and take the first set of Tarot cards you want to explore.
We’re now going to add in a row of three Lenormand cards, and a row of three Kipper (or Sibilla) cards to give us more detail.
- Shuffle and lay three Lenormand cards below the Tarot cards. Where the Tarot is the ‘core’ of the reading, what’s at the heart of it, Lenormand will give us more detail of how this issue has been manifesting ‘in the real world’.
- Shuffle and lay three Kipper/Sibilla in the row above. (I made it the top row because this is the ‘most conscious’ level in a 9-card spread) You can choose to either read this row “What will happen/outcome at this time” or “Advice and action to take” (I prefer the latter, personally, rather than just waiting passively for the future to happen to me.) Up to you.
- As you see, you can now pretty much read these like any 9-card spread and see how different aspects are influencing each other at all levels in this life area.
Here’s an example of the cards drawn for the life area of Money and Business
Middle Row: Key Influences (Tarot)
Bottom Row: How Is This Manifesting At This Time? (Lenormand)
Top Row: Actions To Take Out In The World (Kipper)
Money & Business
Key Influences In This Life Area: Centre Cards (Rider Waite Tarot):
Temperance, Ace of Pentacles, The Lovers
A situation where you’ve needed to take great care with money and your work life, perhaps focusing on saving and budgeting and not overspending or doing anything dramatic. Now there is a sense of you involving others, perhaps in partnership, or bringing relationships and how you deal with people into your work and financial life, or bringing your personal passions in more.
How It Is Manifesting At This Time?: Bottom Row (Gilded Reverie Lenormand):
Bear, Tower, Man
What you may be seeing is a lot of “male” energy and power in your work and financial life, particularly in terms of money and particular organisations and structures, perhaps banking. It could be that there is a particular man influencing you at this time, about structuring your money and financial life.
Actions To Take Out In The World: Top Row (Fin de Siecle Kipper):
Occupation, Main Female, Coffin
It looks as though you will need to stop or finish doing some of the work that you have been doing, this could be about completion, or is perhaps a warning that one source of income from something that you do may be coming to an end.
Now you can read the columns and diagonals in much the same way as a normal Lenormand 9-Card Spread.
The Past: Recently, in the work that you do, you’ve had to be cautious in order to maintain your assets and feel protected and secure. (Occupation, Temperance, Bear)
Currently: With regard to you and your money, you may be getting more established, or have more ‘official’ dealings. Either that, or you are dealing with financial institutions, like the bank. (Main Female, Ace of Pentacles, Lenormand Tower)
The Prospects Ahead: You may have to put an end to a partnership with a particular man who is influencing you. (Coffin, The Lovers, Man)
Diagonally, the work that you do to bring in money has something to do with a man, or perhaps is impacting him (Occupation, Ace of Pentacles, Man). You may find yourself in a situation where a source of savings or money comes to an end (Coffin-Ace of Pentacles- Bear).
For more resources on the Lenormand 9-Card Spread, you can find out more here!
Get In-Depth With The 9-Card (3×3) Box Spread
Want To Start Learning More About These Decks?
Over at my Daily Oracle newsletter and substack, I use Sibilla, Lenormand and Kipper decks EVERY DAY in my daily news readings!
So if you want to see them ALL in action, check out my readings, or if you’d like a daily oracle news prediction straight into your inbox, do sign up as a free subscriber.
For paid subscribers, I’ve also been building detailed reference sections for these decks, which are accessible at any time for the duration of your subscription. New learning resources are being added for different decks all the time!
- Want to know the detailed meanings of every one of the Vera Sibilla or Sibylle des Salons cards including reversals?
- Want step by step instructions on how to read the cards, or for bigger and more complex layouts that you WON’T see in my Daily Readings or find elsewhere?
- Want practice in reading card pairs and telling stories with more than two cards?
- Want to start exploring the key features of these decks and how to use them, so you can try them out for yourself?
If so, check out the following over at the Daily Oracle for a taste of what information’s been uploaded already (you can see previews) and remember, there’s even more to come!
Learn The Vera Sibilla/Gypsy Oracle
Learn the Sibylle des Salons/Parlour Sibyl/Sibilla Indovina