Anchor Card Combinations

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The Lenormand Anchor card combinations and possible meanings:

Anchor & Rider: Stability arrives; a sense of permanence

Anchor & Clover: Certain good fortune; lasting luck

Anchor & Ship: Long journey; harbour; moored

Anchor & House: Domestic stability; permanent home; stable family

Anchor & Tree: Long-term health; longevity; spiritual core

Anchor & Clouds: Unsettled; unclear what is needed; uprooted

Anchor & Snake: Long-term problems; danger

Anchor & Coffin: Stability ends; finality

Anchor & Bouquet: Contentment;happily settled; comfortable

Anchor & Scythe: Sudden changes; rug pulled from under your feet

Anchor & Whip: Long-term hardship; addiction; constant struggle

Anchor & Birds: Long conversation; lifelong companion

Anchor & Child: Forever childlike; stubbornness

Anchor & Fox: Work stability; permanent job

Anchor & Bear: Financial stability; protection and safety

Anchor & Stars: Long-term ambitions; achieving goals

Anchor & Storks: Stable new start; permanent change

Anchor & Dog: Loyalty; steadfastness; long-term friendship

Anchor & Tower: Rigidity; imperiousness; prison

Anchor & Garden: Group stability; long-term network

Anchor & Mountain: Stagnation; stuck or blocked from moving on

Anchor & Crossroad: Uncommitted; keeping options open

Anchor & Mice: Clinginess; dependence; anxious attachment

Anchor & Heart: Stable romance; long-term love

Anchor & Ring: Commitment; stable marriage; long-term partnership

Anchor & Book: Stalled learning; stuck in their ways

Anchor & Letter: Written commitment; signature

Anchor & Man: Reliable man; stubborn man

Anchor & Woman: Reliable woman; stubborn woman

Anchor & Lily: Vintage; roots; lifelong stability

Anchor & Sun: Long-term happiness; stable success

Anchor & Moon: Emotional stability

Anchor & Key: Long-term success

Anchor & Fish: Business stability

Anchor & Cross: Long-term troubles


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Looking for a deck of your own? Check out some Popular Decks.

For guidance on different card layouts, take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? My Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings  are updated regularly