A Quick Way To Get Advice From Your Lenormand Cards

This follows on from my recent post about super quick ways of reading 3-Card spreads.

Not everyone wants to use the cards to “tell their fortune” as such, but rather, to be able to use them in a way that gives us something to think about, and get a quick message from the combinations. We  can consider such messages during our day and how they might apply to our life. It might be a direct piece of advice, it might be a more general, philosophical message

Imagine if, instead of asking the cards “What will happen to me today?” you asked them something like “What is the message for me today?”

That way, you can use the results how you wish and in a more contemplative way, generally, than if you were telling your fortune.

Try This: A Quick 3-Card Daily Message Reading
  • At the beginning (or end) of the day, shuffle your cards in the normal way
  • Set your intention that the cards will give you a useful message then draw three cards as usual
  • We are going to use the quick “cards mirrored around the centre card” method that I talked about in this post
  • When you read the cards, instead of agonising or trying to figure out how they apply to you and your personal situation and what may or may not happen, try to imagine instead that you are giving a general piece of advice or philosophical snippet of wisdom to someone else. The kind of homespun thing your granny might tell you, or you might find embroidered over someone’s doorway!

I’ll show you what I mean with some examples:

Example 1


Lenormand Key CardLenormand Storks CardLenormand Ship Card



The core of the reading is the Storks which means Change

If I read the cards around that together as a pair, I get that travel (or movement) is the answer or key around change

OR if I read them from left to right, I get that: the key— to change— is travel

Message: Travel or movement is the key to change

See what I mean? I’m not saying “I am definitely going to go on a journey today,” or “A trip definitely brings a new beginning”.

Because I’ve set my intention for the cards to give me a message rather than tell me what’s going to come up in my day, that is my context. It is advisory. It is something to think about.

So How Might I Use That Message?

Now, I can apply that to things in my life. What is it telling me? What should I contemplate? What can I take from it?

Well, I could consider it from various angles:

  • What changes am I looking for in my life? Am I wanting something to happen? Am I feeling stuck?
  • What could be meant by ‘travel”? A physical trip or a holiday? Or making sure I make progress at all times? That I keep moving in some way?
  • Now, what ways can I apply that in my daily life? Planning a holiday? Making sure I’m moving forward on projects? Making a list of changes I would like to see in my life and how I might progress towards them?
Example 2


Lenormand Scythe CardLenormand Dog CardLenormand Bear Card



So the core of the reading here is Friendship. Support.

If I read the cards around that as a pair, I get “financial cuts or reductions”. So “Financial cuts or reductions around a friend”.

This more general message could be: Spending reductions are your friend OR Reduce spending around friends

How Might I Use That Message?

Depending on my circumstances I might then look at my life and:

  • Decide to treat budgeting as a thing that will support me in the future
  • Consider if I’m spending too much money on friends
  • Explore if I could look at ways to reduce expenses
  • Assume that I am likely to experience a loss in income but how that might actually be a positive for me in future
Example 3


Lenormand Heart CardLenormand Sun CardLenormand Garden Card



Sun is at the centre, so this is about Happiness.

The cards around that, Heart and Garden, combined, lead to Public or Shared Love around Happiness

Message: Public or shared love brings happiness

How Might I Use That Message?

Depending on my personal circumstances:

  • I might choose to be more open about my feelings
  • I might go public with a romance
  • I might “share the love” with my social circle to make sure they know I care about them
  • I might go on a ‘kindness’ mission out in the world, bringing small acts of caring to everyone I meet


Do You Need More Guidance?

Go to my Lenormand Tips page for more tips about common issues and problems.

For a FREE card combinations PDF E-Book,  sign up to my mailing list for weekly newsletters and other freebies.  If you don’t want to sign up, it’s also available in both paperback and ebook format from Amazon as well as other ebook platforms.

Also, my Complete Guide to Lenormand e-book as well as my Love workbook is available from Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books & other ebook platforms and are also available as downloadable/printable PDFs here in the SHOP!

Stuck? Want Me To Help Interpret one of YOUR readings?

I can help you interpret your very own readings: your own layouts you’ve done with your own cards.

If you’d like some help, please see my service pages here for how to order.  You can check out samples of some reports here:





2 thoughts on “A Quick Way To Get Advice From Your Lenormand Cards”

  1. Fabrício Franco

    Excellent viewpoint. It opened my mind and got me back on tracks when interpreting daily draws. Thank you.

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