5 Things To Know About A 5-Card Spread

The  5-Card Spread, like the 9-card,  is one of the ‘standard’ Lenormand spreads you can use for more day-to-day or regular readings. It is made up of a ‘chain’ of 5 cards, that can then be read in various combinations to create a complete story in a particular context.

For a step-by-step reminder of how to read it for yourself, check out How to Read a 5-Card Spread for instructions.

You can see an example of a 5-Card readings here in my Sample 5-Card Interpretation report,  and also many of my own weekly readings.

So what are the most important things worth knowing about the 5-Card Spread?

1. It’s a great all-rounder for regular readings

With the capacity for much more meat than the much simpler, although annoyingly vague, 3-card spread, but a less in-depth and less direct focus on past, present and future than the 9-Card, the 5-Card spread is ideal for regular readings, AND for focus on given situations. I tend to use it for “What’s coming up this week?” type journaling and to answer  quick questions where I still want a level of detail. It is the spread I use most regularly as it is the most flexible, I find.

2. It is another good reading for asking particular questions

Again, like most Lenormand readings the 5-card spread won’t necessarily give you straight “yes/no” answers, it tends to be one you’d use when you do have a particular question to ask the cards and want to focus the reading. It also is good for getting under the skin of a reading, looking at the root of what you are actually asking. For more on this aspect of questions, take a look at my post How To Get To The Root Of A Lenormand Reading.

3. It’s a good spread to use if you’re more interested in the overall message of a situation than specifics about past-present-future influences

Unlike the 9-Card spread, which specifies past, present and future influences as part of the layout (via the columns), the 5-Card tends to focus more on the overall situation itself and the connections between the cards. Technically, the cards to the left of the centre card can relate more to past influences and those to the right, to future, but I tend to find that in general these cards move less from past to future influences, and more give an overall picture of events and influences.

4. Again, you can choose whether or not to use a keycard as the centre card or read it ‘blind’

As in the 9-card, you can place a keycard in the centre to represent a life area or area of focus: the Fox for career or Heart for love. Sometimes, you may find that doing so seems to give you less information to ‘play’ with and the centre card can seem a bit redundant, but I have found it useful on a number of occasions.

For more on this issue of keycards, check out the post Keycard or Not Keycard: That Is The Question

5. Reading every card combined with every other card can give a surprising amount of information

Although the 5-Card spread uses relatively few cards, you can still get a surprising amount of information from it. This is done by combining all of the cards with all of the other cards, in various ways. Sometimes, this can seem a little repetitive, but I have often found that this method gives me useful tidbits of information that I would not otherwise have found. Again, check out my sample 5-card reading for an example of this in action.


Want A Private Reading?

I now offer private email readings.  I can also help you interpret your own readings: your own layouts and your own cards.  Please see my service pages here and here for how to order. (Oh, and be sure to check my code of ethics as to my approach!). You can check out samples of my reports here:




Want More Guidance?

Go to my Lenormand Tips page for tips about common issues and problems.

For a FREE card combinations PDF E-Book,  sign up to my mailing list for weekly newsletters and other freebies.  If you don’t want to sign up, it’s also available in paperback and ebook format from Amazon.

Also, my Complete Guide to Lenormand e-book, available from Amazon, Nook, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books & other ebook platforms. Soon to be available in printed paperback format and here as a PDF.


1 thought on “5 Things To Know About A 5-Card Spread”

  1. I really liked your interpretation of the large painting using the position of the cards in one of the 36 houses. Do you sell a book (or ebook that I could translate into French on google translate) and which would allow me to know the meaning of all the cards when each of them, comes out in the 36 houses?
    For example you have not interpreted the Serpent in the house of the sun ? or the Heart which comes out in the house of the Scythe ?
    Thank you for your response and congratulations on your beautiful work !

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