Lenormand 3-Card Spreads are one of the most basic readings you can do. Not only that, they form a part of bigger layouts such as the 9-Card Spread and the Grand Tableau. That being the case, it makes sense to really get to grips with reading them in the easiest, quickest ways possible if you’re going to progress in your Lenormand reading.
What I’m talking about here is SPEED— learning to read the three cards in a way that you can most quickly make a sentence out of it, at a glance.
I know lots of my readers do have difficulty with this compared to card combinations, so here are the THREE easiest, quick and dirty ways you can read a line of 3 cards together in a way that makes a sentence.
1. Individually, in a chain: Card 1, Card 2, Card 3
So for this method, you don’t have to use combinations at all. What you DO need is to know the basic meanings of each card which you string into a simple sentence, one word after the other. Let’s take a look at an example.
Public, Shared—News—Change, New Start
Quick Reading Method:
Card 1 then Card 2 then Card 3
So: Public, Shared +News +Change,New Start
Sentence: Sharing publicly the news of a change or new start
2. Cards 1 & 3 around Card 2 (personally, I find this the quickest)
This one does use card combinations. In this method you take the centre card as the core of the reading, and then read the outer cards together as a combination, mirrored around it.
Centre Card = House = Home/Family
Child = Child/Young Person. Whip= Arguments/Argumentative
Quick Reading Method:
Cards 1 (Noun)+ 3 (Adjective) combined around Card 2
So: A child + who’s argumentative + around the home, in the family
Sentence: An argumentative child at home or in the family
3. Cards 1&2 combined then 2&3 combined
This reads the combined cards in a chain. Here you ONLY read the cards in combination. Here’s an example:
Anchor + Dog = supported or loyal stability. Dog+Tower = high-powered or official friend
Quick Reading Method:
Cards 1 (Noun)+ 2 (About that noun) then Cards 2(Noun) +3 (About that noun)
So: Stability, certainty + of a friendship or support then a friend + who is high-up or official
Sentence: Friendship stability from a high powered friend or friend in a high place
Can’t I Join Them All Together?
Of course you can although you’ll often find you don’t need to. You can use all three methods mixed together for the same three cards. They’ll pretty much say the same thing but sometimes with slight nuances. Looking at the same three sets of cards, and using all three methods you get, for instance
Method 1: Sharing publicly the news of a change or new start
Method 2: A new start socially shared by letter
Method 3: An announcement made (i.e. news shared) with news of a new beginning
Method 1: A child at home (or in the family) arguing
Method 2: An argumentative child at home or in the family
Method 3: A child in the family causing arguments at home
Method 1: Stability from a friend or friendship that is official or higher up
Method 2: High-level stability around a friendship
Method 3: Friendship stability from a high powered friend or friend in a high place
Do You Need More Guidance?
Go to my Lenormand Tips page for more tips about common issues and problems.
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Also, my Complete Guide to Lenormand e-book as well as my Love and Careers workbooks are now available from Amazon, Kobo, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books & other ebook platforms and are all also available as downloadable/printable PDFs here in the SHOP!
Stuck? Want Me To Help Interpret one of YOUR readings?
As well as doing personal readings, I can also help you interpret your very own readings: your own layouts you’ve done with your own cards. If you’d like some help, please see my service pages here for how to order. You can check out samples of some reports here:
Thank you this was really helpful! 🙂 I often get stuck on which way I should be reading the cards in a 3 card layout, I really appreciate that you showed 3 ways for each set of cards.
Happy to help, Kelly!