Q. 2 Will I Ever Find True Love?

Lenormand Key CardLenormand Child CardLenormand Garden CardLenormand Anchor CardLenormand Clover Card

So here, we’ve got a yes/no question. But there’s a lot more to it than that.

Note that in this reading, the Heart hasn’t appeared specifically so there is no obvious sign. It doesn’t mean a “No” though, just that there is more nuanced information we can get.

Here’s my interpretation

First off, to get a sense of whether the answer is likely to be positive or negative, check out how many positive, negative or neutral cards there are.

Here, you’ve got:

Key – Positive

Child – Neutral

Garden – Neutral

Anchor – Positive

Clover– Positive

So given there are NO negative cards here, and more positive than negative, the answer to our question is tending towards the Yes.

Now, looking at the detail a bit more, we see we’ve got the GARDEN at the centre. That gives the suggestion of being outside, public, getting out and about in the world, and in the love context, probably dating.

Next, looking at the centre cards, we get:

Child-Garden In this context, out and about or dating with a completely open mind

Garden-Anchor Long term socialising, a long term group, dating for a while

Then the mirrored cards:

Key-Clover: A lucky fate, good fortune is destined, lucky karma

Child-Anchor: a long time innocence, always keeping open & ready for new experiences

Together, this all suggests in answer to the question “Will I Find True Love?” is yes, good luck is fated if you get out and about, date for a while and keep a completely open mind to new experiences.

You can get more detail by reading the chain of the cards like a story:

Key-Child Open-mindedness and willingness to try new experiences is key

Child-Garden and getting out and about and dating with that open approach

Garden-Anchor It may mean dating for a while and lots of socialising

Anchor- Clover but eventually, you should find good fortune or an opportunity that lasts

So it’s not as simple as a yes and no answer. Instead, the cards tell you that the prospects are really good IF you get yourself out there, keep an open mind and try new things, don’t give up too soon. You should be able to bring good luck and opportunities into your life.