Whip Card Combinations

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Lenormand Whip card combinations and possible meanings:

Whip & Rider: Harsh feedback; abuse; revenge; criticism

Whip & Clover: Good sex; hard work gets results; gambling on horses

Whip & Ship: Bumpy ride; difficult journey; sports trip

Whip & House: Domestic abuse; home gym

Whip & Tree: Health problems; negative karma; injury

Whip & Clouds: Psychological abuse; dementia; confused sexuality; addiction

Whip & Snake: Troublemaker; female sexuality; danger

Whip & Coffin: Serious harm; end of abuse; destruction

Whip & Bouquet: Good sex; exercise high

Whip & Scythe; Violence; S&M; accident

Whip & Birds: Phone sex; tough debate; verbal abuse

Whip & Child; Training, coaching, kids’ sports; active child

Whip & Fox; Hard work; survival; military; workplace bullying

Whip & Bear; Financial struggles; personal trainer; bodybuilding

Whip & Stars: Training to be the best; coaching

Whip & Storks: Tough new start; difficult at the beginning; fast change

Whip & Dog: Friends with benefits; friendship problems; personal trainer

Whip & Tower: Gym; legal or official difficulties; fortress

Whip & Garden: Group bullying; peer pressure; public argument

Whip & Mountain; Mountain-climbing; safeguarding; limitation, trapped

Whip & Crossroad: Difficult choices; unsettled; multiple abuses

Whip & Mice: Anxiety; exhaustion; stress

Whip & Heart: Sex; heartbreak; love conflict

Whip & Ring: Difficult or abusive relationship; harsh contract

Whip & Book: Hidden sexuality; hidden abuse; academic hard work

Whip & Letter: Erotic fiction; abusive message, threat

Whip & Man: Male sexuality; male abuser; fit man; sexy man

Whip & Woman: Female sexuality; female abuser; fit woman; sexy woman

Whip & Lily: Ageing troubles; old age hardship; mature sexuality

Whip & Sun: Hard work brings success; charisma; victory

Whip & Moon: Emotional abuse; depression; obsession; seduction

Whip & Key: Important life lesson; necessary action

Whip & Fish: Business difficulties; money disagreements; hard work

Whip & Anchor: Long-term hardship; consistent effort

Whip & Cross: Severe depression; guilt; self-flagellation


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Looking for a deck of your own? You can see some Popular Decks here.

For guidance on different card layouts, do take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!