What’s The Difference? Work Cards

Just a note here, that Work and Career is one of the most contentious areas in Lenormand interpretation! This is because there in fact ISN’T a ‘designated’ work and career card in the original Lenormand system. Why not? Well, you need to remember that when the cards were first produced, in the 18th and 19th centuries, mainly for the upper and middle classes, 21st century style “careers” did not exist in quite the sense we see them now. You will find, if you look at traditional interpretations like the Philippe Lenormand, for instance, that most money generation they mention was intrinsically tied up with overseas trade and shipping, or perhaps inheritance.

So, for instance, you had the Ship, if this card lay far away from the questioner, denoting great wealth from trade.

You had the Fish, denoting “the acquisition of a fortune from marine enterprises”, but also connecting it with speculation.

You had the Anchor, suggesting “a successful enterprise at sea, advantage in trade.”

See what I mean?

So bear this in mind when you are looking for cards that denote modern careers. You’re probably better off looking at the different ELEMENTS of modern careers to get the full picture. Take a look at some of these oft career-related cards.

Lenormand Fox Card

The Fox is a card that, in recent years, has often been used to denote work and career, although it’s important to note that this is NOT remotely its traditional meaning (which is purely about deception, the wily old fox of legend). Be aware that the energy behind this card when used for work would be quite specific: it is about survival, putting food on the table. This means that in a work context, it would really be referring to jobs and particularly being an employee, doing what you have to do to feed yourself and your family. It’s not really about business or being in charge.



Lenormand Fish Card


The Fish, on the other hand, is much more about business and people with their own businesses rather than employees. This is often the card for, say, business owners and freelancers. This is because of the energy behind the Fish, which is one of business and money generation, enterprise and independence, and entrepreneurialism





Lenormand Moon Card

You will also see the Moon often used as the “Work” card in some traditions. The Moon has both the meaning of ‘accolades and honour’, how you can be perceived by others, but also a highly creative element, on other words, what you ‘make’ or generate, bring into being and in some ways, this brings a vocational aspect to it. What you are known for, in a way.





Lenormand Anchor Card

The Anchor is also used for Work in other traditions. This, as you can see from its original meaning around “successful enterprises at sea and in trade” works alongside the sense of overall stability and security that the Anchor card brings. Work-wise this would be the element of steadiness, a steady job, something foundational.