The Bear is all about protection, strength and security, including material security. It is for this reason that this card is often used to represents finances and wealth in general; that which provides material security and safety, protection in the real world.
The Fish is also often used to represent money, particularly cash, enterprise, abundance and cashflow. The Fish differs from the Bear in the sense that the energy behind the Fish card is primarily that of generating money in an enterprising way, rather than of safety, security and power. The Fish goes its own way freely, going with the flow, picking up what it can and what it needs on the way, hence the more day-to-day “cashflow” meaning of the card.
Given its energy of commitment, agreement, promise, the Ring can sometimes be used to represent a payment of money or a fee. This is because a payment is a kind of bond or agreement; an exchange. The Ring would tend to be used for one-off agreed or regular payments rather than general cashflow or general wealth and financial situation. It is the “agreement” aspect of the card that is the key here.