What’s Coming Up This Week – 7th February

A little late with my reading this week, so my apologies. I’ve been pretty busy. But in a good, enjoyable way.

Here are the cards I’ve drawn this morning for my week ahead.

What’s Coming Up For Me This Week?



Well, there are two ways I could read this one.

I could read it with the centre card as the key-card as usual. That’d be the CLOVER – representing Luck or Opportunity. OR, because of the Woman card (i.e.me) appearing in the line of 5, I could use that as the key card.

In this case, this wouldn’t give me any info about what is coming up, but will tell me what has just been happening. Given that the direct question is “what’s coming up for me this week?” though, I am going to do it the first way, but bearing in mind that it is probably representing just a continuation of what I’ve been up to recently. More of the same, then, I guess…

First, I take each card separately:

Hard work – Growth – Luck/Opportunity – Book/Knowledge – Woman

Given that I’m in the process of completing three books –  and that’s not including my fiction! – utilising all my knowledge & skills from my previous life in book publishing and working bloody hard – yeah, I’d say that’s pretty accurate!

Central Cards:

Tree-Clover = Lucky karma; Fortunate developments; Opportunity for growth

Clover-Book = Book or knowledge opportunity and good fortune


Whip-Woman = Woman’s hard work, competitiveness, efforts, training

Tree-Book = Book or knowledge growth and development

In summary, then: what’s coming up overall is me working hard re: a book opportunity and development and learning a great deal in the process. It seems an entirely healthy – and probably organic – development. There is an element of karma in it.


Whip-Tree = Healthy hard work, physical effort, vigour, karmic challenge

Tree-Clover = Lucky karma, good health, fortunate development

Clover-Book = Learning opportunity; book opportunity

Book-Woman = Woman’s book, knowledge and learning

In summary: A background of hard work, positive vibes, a sense of things coming together naturally and organically. A great and lucky chance to learn, & for a book utlising my knowledge and learning.

Further Details on Each Element:

Whip-Tree = Healthy hard work, physical effort, vigour, karmic challenge

Whip-Clover = Lucky hard work; fortunate efforts; worthwhile challenge; hard work gets results

Whip-Book = Book or knowledge training, book challenge, book hard work, learning & training

Whip-Woman = Woman’s hard work, woman’s training & competitiveness

There’s a lot of hard work and challenge but it’s all good training for me and worthwhile

Tree-Clover = Lucky karma, good health, fortunate development

Tree-Book = Book & knowledge development; learning growth; secret karma

Tree-Woman = Woman’s health; woman’s karma; woman’s growth

A sense of the natural here, growth, development, organic and maybe holistic. Good vibes and karma

Clover-Book = Learning opportunity; book opportunity

Clover-Woman = Woman’s luck and good fortune

Luck and good fortune for me and a learning or book opportunity

Book-Woman = Woman’s book, knowledge and learning

The development of and/or utilising the knowledge I already have, or just simply, my books.


Initial Comments:

I’d say that’s pretty accurate re: what’s been going on so far – not just in the ‘what’ I am doing – my books and other projects, utilising and crystallising all the knowledge I’ve gained over the years – but also how it feels. I can’t explain it more than to say that there’s a certain kind of karmic energy involved when you develop things iteratively and respond organically, and where you are learning all the time. Both the Tree and the Clover are great representations of this. And I’ve been working towards where I now am for so many years now. Been looking back at some of my old readings from four or five years back, and it really is quite astonishing how far I’ve come, the things I’ve let go of, the realisations I’ve come to in life.


Yes, nothing extra to report on this, really. The reading – and my analysis of it – was pretty much spot-on with what went on this week.



Talking of books…

Are you keen to check your understanding of the card meanings and combinations?  Either have a look my Card Combinations pages, OR, if you’re sick of looking up combos on websites all the time and want to develop confidence in your own interpretations, how about a FREE downloadable 92-page e-book containing all 36 sets of Combinations PLUS some great exercises to test your knowledge of their meanings? Sign up to my mailing list and it’s all yours!

Or you might be looking for  Lenormand deck of your own. If so, do take a look at reviews of some of the most Popular Decks here.

On the other hand, if you’d like some guidance on the different card layouts you can use for readings –  my Card Layouts page will give you step-by-step instructions so you can try out readings yourself!.