What’s Coming Up For Me This Week? Line of 5 July 11th

What does each card mean separately?

The Key: Answers, solutions, importance

The Storks: Changes, fresh starts

The Cross: Tests, big problems, burdens and heaviness

The Rider: News, arrivals, deliveries

The Whip: Hardship, conflict, struggle, discipline, effort & hard work, pushing


What is at the core or heart of this reading for the week?

The Cross. This reading is therefore centred around a big test, burden or challenge that has to be undergone.

Read Cards 1+5 together and 2+4 together around that centre card. What does that tell you the overall  ‘story’ of this reading is?

Key & Whip: A tough or hardworking answer or solution; pushing hard is the answer

Storks & Rider: Upcoming change, delivery of change

Around Cross: a big test, burden or challenge that has to be undergone

You’ll need to push and work hard in order to implement or get the future changes you want which is likely to be a major challenge for you this week.

Now read Cards 1+2, followed by 2+3, 3+4, 4+5, and put the ‘story’ into a chain. What does that story tell you?

Key + Storks = A changed or new solution, an answer brings change

Storks + Cross = Changing things proves difficult

Cross + Rider = A test or burden presents itself

Rider- Whip = Lots of effort and discipline required to speed things up, possible criticism.

An answer or new solution brings the need to change things, but this proves difficult and burdensome, with lots of effort and discipline required to get going, or you may receive some harsh criticism.

Is there any extra info you can get from these cards? If so, what?

Yes, you can see if any extra info is revealed if you pair each card with each of the cards following it to get details of each element.

Key- About the answer or solution

Key-Storks:  A changed or new solution, an answer brings change

Key-Cross: The test or challenge to be undergone puts burden on the answer

Key-Rider: An upcoming answer or solution

Key-Whip: Effort, discipline and ‘drive’ is part of the solution, and it may be tough

An answer brings a change or you find a new solution, but it involves a challenge in implementing. Effort, discipline and drive is key and you may find it hard.

Storks- About the changes or new start

Storks-Cross : A change that gets weighed down or brings burdens

Storks-Rider: An upcoming new start

Storks-Whip: Difficult or challenging change

Changes don’t come easy even if they’re inevitable. You may find it hard to make the changes you want.

Cross- About the challenge faced

Cross-Rider: A new burden or challenge arrives

Cross-Whip: A challenge that is tough to get through and takes effort

A new challenge arrives that takes effort to deal with.

Rider- About what’s new on the scene or coming upr

Rider-Whip: Effort and discipline, really pushing yourself, possibly criticism.



You’ll need to push and work hard in order to implement or get the future changes you want which is likely to be a major challenge for you this week. An answer or new solution brings the need to change things, but this proves difficult and burdensome, with lots of effort and discipline required to get going. You may even receive some harsh criticism.

Bear in mind that even though changes require effort, they are likely to be necessary. Effort, discipline and drive is key and you may find that hard this week. It’s time to push yourself