What’s Coming Up For Me? July 18th 2022


What does each card mean separately?

Stars: Goals, ambitions, big dreams, the big picture

Anchor: Certainty, permanence, the long term

Heart: Loves, romance, passions, things you care about

Sun: Success, sunlight, happiness

Woman: Woman!


What is at the core or heart of this reading for the week?

The central topic of this reading for the week is the Heart! Which stands for loves and passions of all kinds. 


Read Cards 1+5 together and 2+4 together around that centre card. What does that tell you the overall  ‘story’ of this reading for the week is?

Stars + Woman: A woman’s hopes, wishes, dreams, ambitions and goals, also achievements

Anchor + Sun: A successful ‘base’ or foundation, success and happiness that lasts, long term happiness


The Heart = loves and passions

This suggests a core theme of the week will be me thinking about my big dreams, goals and hopes for the future in terms of providing a successful base or foundation, long term success and happiness that lasts, around something I really care about and am passionate about.


Now read Cards 1+2, followed by 2+3, 3+4, 4+5, and put the ‘story’ into a chain. What does that story tell you?

Stars + Anchor: Long term dreams and goals: desire for stability and certainty

Anchor + Heart: Passions and loves that last and provide stability; a foundation that I’m passionate about

Heart + Sun: A happy love, a successful passion

Sun + Woman: My happiness and success

I could be considering my long term dreams and goals and a desire for stability and certainty, and looking for a foundation of things that I’m passionate about; loves and passions that will last and provide stability. It looks as though focusing on loves and passions, the things I care about, will bring me happiness and success.


Is there any extra info you can get from these cards? If so, what?

The Stars – Hopes, dreams, wishes, big ambitions & goals

Stars + Anchor: Long term dreams and goals: desire for stability and certainty

Stars + Heart: Hopes & dreams with regard to loves, passions and what I care about

Stars + Sun: Hopes and dreams of success and happiness

Stars + Woman: My hopes and dreams

My hopes, dreams and ambitions for the future concerning stability and certainty and the long term, as well as ensuring it’s something I truly care about, and fulfils my dreams of success and happiness.


The Anchor – Permanence & Stability

Anchor + Heart: A love that lasts; stability that includes passions and what I care about

Anchor + Sun: Success and happiness that lasts; long term happiness

Anchor + Woman: My stability and certainty

A lasting or long term passion; stability that includes what I care about. Success and happiness for the long term, and stability and certainty in life.


The Heart – Love & Passions

Heart + Sun: A successful passion; happy relationship; success in what I care about

Heart + Woman: My passions, loves and what and who I care about

Successful loves and passions; passions and loves that bring happiness and success in all I care about.

The Sun – Success and Happiness

Sun + Woman: My happiness and success

My happiness and success.


Now put it all together as one in answer to the question: What’s Coming Up For Me This Week?


I could be considering my long term dreams and goals and a desire for stability and certainty, and looking for a foundation of things that I’m passionate about; loves and passions that will last and provide that stability. It looks as though focusing on loves and passions, the things I care about, will bring me happiness and success, and all stability and goals need to include the things and people I love.