General Reading – 18th August 2018
A note re: where I’m at right now:
I’m currently taking time out to concentrate on my fiction writing and other projects. It’s over halfway through the year – I’ve given myself 18 months – and I’m making good progress, but have a lot going on with my projects, am at the “drifting” in the middle stage and wondering what’s coming up next. I’m living out of town at the moment, in touch with friends but not socialising a great deal and very much doing my own thing. “Make your own luck” seems to be a theme for me at the moment. Or rather, that was the sign I got loud and clear earlier today…
5 card reading for Lozzy – What’s Coming Up For Me?
Heart -Rider-Key-Dog-Stars
I picked the centre card – the Key– at random, So at the centre of this is “Fate”. In other words, the exact question I asked – what’s coming up?
So! According to this reading, what’s coming up for me is:
A new relationship opportunity, new lover, new passion: a significant event or important turning point of some kind; a soulmate; a famous friend or friends.
A bit more detail
- New relationship opportunity, new lover, new passion: significant relationship, influential lover, soulmate; friends and lovers, best friend; falling in love, inspiring love
- Significant event, key turning point; friend’s visit, news from a friend; hope, a “star arrival”
- Soulmate; significant life purpose, someone destined to be known
- Famous friends
Comment on Reading
Well, I’ve been very much concentrating on my own projects, am happily single right now and wouldn’t exactly say I’ve been looking for love, so we’ll see. There is an old and newly single – male – friend coming to visit from overseas later this month. And although I wouldn’t say I have “famous” friends exactly, I do know a couple of fairly well-known authors so it wouldn’t be unfeasible to be mingling with and meet somebody through them. This reading definitely implies it is “the big one” in some way, doesn’t it? I look forward to seeing what – if anything – unfolds.