Q. 1 What Does X Think of Me?


Lenormand Dog Card Lenormand House Card Lenormand Letter Card

Lenormand Anchor CardLenormand Woman CardLenormand Whip Card

Lenormand Mountain CardLenormand Clouds CardLenormand Heart Card

The key here is that the interpretation should focus on this being HIS perception of our querent, not what may be going on for her.

The cards in the diamond around her indicates that Person X thinks of our querent as likely being a homebody or someone always at home or with family (House-Anchor) but possibly unstable or unsettled (Anchor-Clouds), confusing or confused in a difficult or challenging way (Clouds-Whip) and that her home or family life is challenging or argumentative (Whip-House).

Looking at the row above her, it suggests he thinks of her as someone he writes to or converses with at or from home. Possibly an online friend? (Dog-Letter, House) or a friend from home he writes to? (Dog-House) (House-Letter)

Most directly, the answer to the question is to be found in the middle row. It suggests he may see her as permanently ‘difficult’, a challenge to stability, although it also hints that he may find her sexy, but in a possibly addictive sort of way (Anchor-Whip, Woman) and that, for him, she is ‘always’ like it (Anchor-Woman, Woman-Whip)

Additional information can be found in the bottom row. This appears to be a romance blocked by uncertainty or confusion, as well as perhaps distance. It could suggest it’s unrequited for him or that her love is distant, confused or uncertain (Mountain-Heart, Clouds)

The past influences of his thinking appear in the left hand column. Here, we see perhaps a friend who he’s been apart from or even not thought of for a long time (Dog-Mountain, Anchor). She’s probably a long term friend or associate (Dog-Anchor) but with whom a longterm distance or boundary has been maintained (Anchor-Mountain).

The middle column shows that currently there is uncertainty surrounding her and her family or home, perhaps with regards to where or even who she is (House-Clouds, Woman). He may be focused on her home or family (House-Woman)  and think either that she is uncertain or vague or she is unclear in his mind (Woman-Clouds)

Ahead, the cards suggest some kind of written loving message, but that has either an erotic or argumentative tinge (Letter-Heart, Whip). Perhaps that she messages from the heart but in a way he finds challenging.

Overall, looking at the diagonals, these cards suggest that Person X thinks of our querent as a woman who is  a loving friend (Dog-Heart, Woman) but someone who only communicates from a distance or where the communications are blocked (Mountain-Letter, Woman).