Weekly Reading 15th October 2018

I was worrying quite a bit over the weekend – I have so much going on right now and am working hard but don’t always feel I’m getting anywhere, particularly financially. Life is full of ups and downs, and I was definitely feeling in something of a slump and that everything seemed very precarious.
So I asked the following question for this week:

How can I sort this situation out –  I don’t really know what to do?




Key Card = SUN – Success

Well, that’s positive at least!

Each Card Separately

Me (Woman); Book, knowledge, secret(Book); Success, happiness(Sun); Options, choices, multiple(Crossroads); Stability, long-term(Anchor)

It actually looks as though despite my misgivings I actually have a lot of opportunities for long-term success here, either because of the knowledge I have or to do with a book or books .(I am a writer, and also have many years publishing experience. I don’t think the reading refers to a ‘secret’ in this case, and I’d just had a particular idea for a book.)

Central Cards

Book-sun: Successful book, successful knowledge

Sun-crossroad: Chosen success, path of success; multiple successes; expansion

It looks like I have many options for success here based on my knowledge.


Woman anchor: Stable woman

Book crossroad; Choice of books, multiple books; a lot of knowledge areas

Stability comes through having a lot of knowledge, or from multiple book projects

All 5 Cards In a Chain

Woman book: Book woman, author, knowledgable woman

Book sun: Successful book; successful knowledge

Sun crossroad: Multiple successes, path of success, choosing right path; expansion

Crossroad anchor: Stable choices; long term decisions; long-term goals

I have a lot of good knowledge under my belt about books, and am currently in a process of expansion. I need to look at this in terms of long-term goals.

And In More Detail

Woman book: Book woman, author, knowledgable woman

Woman sun: Successful woman

Woman crossroad: Choosing woman; multiple “hats”

Woman anchor: Stable woman; long-term stability for me


Book sun: Successful book, successful knowledge

Book crossroads: Choice of book,multiple books, a lot of knowledge

Book anchor: Long term book, stable knowledge


Sun crossroad: Multiple successes, path of success, choosing right path, expansion

Sun anchor: Lasting success


Crossroad anchor: Stable choices, long term goals


In summary, then:

Question: How can I sort this situation out –  I don’t really know what to do?


The situation is more positive than I think. Despite my misgivings I actually have a lot of opportunities for long-term success here, because of the knowledge I have or to do with a book or books and the various different “hats” I wear with regard to that . Success looks to be based on that knowledge – it is the foundation of long-term success for me. I would focus on utilising that and keep bearing my long-term goals in mind while I am in the process of expansion.


I did in fact have a brainstorm and made huge inroads re: a non-fiction book. So I think really this is about following that through and keeping positive while I do so.