Well, three stories again to answer the question “What News is Coming Up In the UK This Week?”
As usual, one with no keycard, one with the Rider (for News) and another with the Letter (for Story).
Story A (no Keycard)
Obstacle – Luck – Contract/Deal – Officialdom – Ending
Key: RING = relationship, contract, deal
Central Cards:
Clover-Ring = contracted good fortune; contract luck; lucky deal
Ring-Tower = corporate, official or govt contract or deal
Mountain-Coffin = Ending block/stopped; obstacles end
Clover-Tower = Organisational or govt good fortune, official opportunity, casino
You mean we’re going to have luck for once with a deal? Well, knock me down with a very large feather…
5-Card Chain:
Mountain -Clover = Lucky delay; fortunate obstacle
Clover-Ring = Contract luck; relationship opportunity
Ring-Tower = Official relationship; government contract
Tower-Coffin = Downfall; end of a government; officialdom or organisation comes to an end
Initial thoughts:
This looks like another Brexit story and the UK”s back and forth with the EU- at the moment, it usually is.
I didn’t really see anything in the news in this particular week reflecting this reading.
However, only a couple of weeks later, we had Prime Minister Theresa May’s announcement of a draft Brexit deal which, as far as she is concerned, is the only possible option and a successful agreement which fulfils what she believes is both what the British people voted for and the good of the country. The fallout from this deal – with various Brexiteer cabinet members resigning, a possible challenge to her leadership, and of course, an impending vote in Parliament on the deal is still ongoing. Will this bring down her government? We will see.
Story B (Rider)
Public/Event – Stars/Celebrities/Bigwigs – News – Speech/Talk – Significant
Keycard = RIDER = News
Central Cards:
Stars-Rider = News star, big person or celebrity in the news
Rider-Birds = Gossip? Talk or speech news
Garden-Key = Important event; significant publicity
Stars-Birds = Speaking star; communication expert
A celebrity makes an important speech at a big event?
5-Card Chain:
Garden-Stars = Star-studded event; bigwig gathering; star publicity
Stars-Rider = News of a star; upcoming celebrity
Rider-Birds = Speech news; communication news; gossip arrives
Birds-Key = Important speech; significant talks; key communication
Initial Thoughts:
Well, this could be anything really. Not sure of any major celeb events coming up, but we’ll see.
I’m not sure I would call PM Theresa May a “star communicator” exactly – but again, I think this reading refers to her long-awaited announcement to the nation and the press about a draft Brexit Deal
Story C – Letter (Story)
Choices/options/direction – Woman – Story – Man – Journey/Trip
Keycard: LETTER = Story
Central Cards:
Woman-Letter – “Story woman”; writer; journalist; woman in a story
Letter-Man – Man’s story, man in a story
Crossroad-Ship = Journey options; choice of direction; transport options
Woman-Man = Couple; woman and man
5-Card Chain:
Crossroad -Woman = Woman’s choices; woman’s direction
Woman-Letter = Story woman; writer; woman in the story
Letter-Man = Man’s story
Man-Ship = Foreign man; travelling man
A story primarily about a woman and a man and travel options.
Initial comments:
The only couple I know travelling abroad at the moment are Harry and the newly-pregnant Meghan. So it could be a story about them. Let’s see.
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