UK News w/c 21st October

I have three sets of cards again this week for UK News.  One set pulled blind, the second with the Rider as the keycard (for News) and the third with the Letter (for Story). So – here we go, new cards ahoy:

Story A: No Keycard


Cross – Anchor – Tower-Whip-Man

Burdens/religion (Cross); Stability (Anchor): Government/Organisation (Tower); Harshness/Abuse (Whip); Man (Man)

Keycard = TOWER = An organisation or the government

Central cards:

Anchor – Tower = Organisational or government stability or permanence

Tower- Whip =  Harsh government; tough government; battered organisation; tough or abusive organisation; prison


Cross-Man = A man’s burden; male troubles; man’s problem

Anchor-Whip = Longterm hardship; punishment?

Interesting. So it looks like

It’s about an organisation of some kind or the government, and is around that organisation’s or the government stability or permanence. It’s a tough organisation or government, a prison perhaps? It involves a man’s burden; male troubles and longterm hardship; punishment maybe?

5-card chain

Cross – Anchor =  Long-term troubles; stable religion

Anchor-Tower =  Organisational stability; government stability

Tower-Whip = Harsh government; tough/abusive organisation; prison

Whip-Man = Man’s punishment; male abuse

In More Detail:

Cross – Anchor =  Long-term troubles; stable religion

Cross – Tower =  Official or government burdens; official religion

Cross – Whip =  Punishment; harsh burdens

Cross – Man =  Male or man’s troubles

The troubles concerned are long-term, connected with officialdom or government, involve punishment or harshness of some kind and are the troubles of a man or men.

Anchor-Tower =  Organisational stability; government stability

Anchor-Whip =  Harsh stability; long-term punishment

Anchor -Man =  Man’s stability

The stability of an organisation  or officialdom is involved; it concerns long-term punishment or harshness and a man’s stability

Tower-Whip = Harsh government; tough organisation; prison

Tower- Man = Male organisation; male government; men’s prison

This is a tough and punishing organisation or government, possibly a prison; and a male organisation, government or officialdom.

Whip-Man = Man’s punishment; male abuse


Initial thoughts:

I can’t help feeling this is going to be a story about men’s prisons somehow.

Although – well,  this isn’t a UK story but is heavily in the press at the moment – I did wonder if this is the story about Saudi journalist  Jamal Khashoggi, murdered by officials at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul. It does fit with the harsh official punishment idea.


The UK news this week has been filled with two big stories, both of which would fit these cards.

The first, as already mentioned, is the murder of Jamal Khashoggi (Burden/Troubles (Cross) – Longstanding (Anchor) – Officialdom, organisation (Tower)-Punishment/Abuse (Whip)- Male (Man))

The second, later in the week, has been the naming of establishment figure and Topshop boss Philip Green in Parliament as the alleged serial bully and predator in another UK #MeToo case, after an injunction was brought by his lawyers to prevent the Daily Telegraph newspaper from naming him after an investigation by that paper. Again, the cards would fit. (Troubles/Problems (Cross) – Longstanding (Anchor) – Organisation/Establishment (Tower) – Abuse/Sexual Abuse (Whip) – Male (Man))


Story B: Rider as Keycard


Sun – Birds – Rider – Lily – House

Success (Sun) – Talk/Communication (Birds) – News (Rider) – Old/Past (Lily) – Home (House)

Central Cards:

Birds – Rider = Arrival of talk; upcoming conversations or discussion

Rider – Lily = Older/past news; older man arrives


Sun-House = Domestic success; home success

Birds – Lily = Nostalgic talk; older man speech; past conversations

Ok, so it sounds like what’s coming up is a lot of talk about the past, if that makes sense. Probably the past for the country. Oh god, not invoking Churchill again, and past glories,  I hope.

5-Card Chain

Sun-Birds = Conversational success; discussion success

Birds-Rider = Upcoming conversation; discussion happens; news of conversation

Rider-Lily = Older person arrival; old news

Lily-House = domestic past

News of a successful conversation about our domestic past, possibly old news or an older visitor

More Detail:

Sun-Birds = Conversational success; discussion success

Sun-Rider = Arrival of success; news of success

Sun-Lily =  Old success; older man success

Sun-House = Domestic success

Talking about domestic success and positivity using the past or involving older man

Birds-Rider = Upcoming conversation; discussion happens

Birds-Lily – older discussion or conversation, older man discussion

Birds-House = domestic discussion

An upcoming conversation “at home”, either with an older man or discussing the past

Rider-Lily = Older person arrival; old news

Rider-House = Domestic news; visitor

An older person visits at home, or there is old news

Lily-House = domestic past

initial thoughts

Not sure. I’m not aware of any upcoming visits from elder statesmen, but I may be wrong. Obviously, Brexit talks are still going on. As this is the UK, there could easily be an invocation of old glories and speeches and nostalgia about Britain being Great to try to rally us up. We will see.


I’m really not sure about this. It’s a bit of a long-shot but it could be the Philip Green story again, but this time from the angle of the successful “outing” in the House of Lords of his name by longstanding Labour peer Peter Hain, outraged at the gagging of the press over the case . This angle was also all over the papers.

I had assumed that the House card meant “domestic”, as in the UK, but it could be the literal House (which is what we call Parliament, in this case, the House of Lords, where our elder politicians largely reside). See here:

Success (Sun) – Speech, Spoken, Talked About (Birds) News (Rider) – Older Man, Senior (Lily) – Parliament/House of Lords (House)

Here’s the story  itself, courtesy of the New Statesman.

Story C: Letter as Keycard



Health (Tree); Worries (Mice): Story/News (Letter); Ending or death (Coffin): Problem/Betrayal/Betrayer (Snake)

Central Cards:

Mice – Letter = Reported worries; written concerns

Letter – Coffin = Death news; news of an ending; final story


Tree – Snake = Ill health; serious illness; an unpleasant person’s health

Mice – Coffin = Death fears; ending concerns

It basically sounds like news of a death after health fears. But whose?

5-card chain

Tree-Mice = Anxiety; anxious health

Mice-Letter = Reported worries; news of worries

Letter-Coffin = Death news

Coffin – Snake =  Problems end; death

So yes – it sounds like worries about an illness reported and then a death.

More detail:

Tree-Mice = Anxiety; anxious health

Tree-Letter = Reporting health; news of health

Tree-Coffin = A death; ending health

Tree-Snake = Serious illness; failing health

Serious health issues reported

Mice-Letter = Reported worries; news of worries

Mice-Coffin = Death worries

Mice-Snake = Serious concerns

Reports of serious concerns and likely death

Letter-Coffin = Death or dying news

Letter-Snake = Illness news; betrayal news

News of the death, but perhaps something else also?

Coffin – Snake =  Problems end; death


initial thoughts

I don’t really think it’s fair to speculate on who this might be – it could be anyone, probably older given the illness aspect and clearly well-known and worthy enough for news reporting.  But there are always a number of these, it’s inevitable. We’ll see.


I still don’t know on this one. There was a story up on the BBC all week about a man who had destroyed his health by taking green tea supplements which permanently damaged his liver. It certainly fits with the ‘betrayal’ side of a story about health – something you trusted that turns out to be the opposite of what is promised. Also, there was the sudden collapse – with a heart attack, it turns out – of former footballer and pundit Glenn Hoddle right after a TV show. He was seriously ill, but thankfully seems to be on the mend as far as I can tell. So I’m not sure that this reading is about him.