UK News w/c 11th November

Well, it’s the 100 year anniversary of Armistice Day today. So here’s a pic to commemorate that:

Meanwhile, here are this week’s cards for the UK.

What’s Coming Up In UK News This Week?



Man-Cut or Decision-Star/Celeb-Child-Older Person

KEY CARD =STARS= Celebrity/Ambitions

Central Cards:

Scythe-Stars = Celebrity hurt or downsized; famous person decision; ambitions cut

Stars-Child = Young celebrity; young person’s ambition, beginner’s ambition


Man-Lily = Older man, father figure

Scythe-Child = Child’s or young person’s decision or accident

So this is about a celebrity or famous person making a decision or being cut down (or having surgery?) but also an older  man, perhaps their father?

5-Card Chain:

Man-Scythe = Decisive man; cut-down man

Scythe-Stars = Famous person’s decision; celebrity accident

Stars-Child = Younger person celebrity

Child-Lily = Mature child; older child; adult child; father and child

A young male famous person makes a decision that has something to do with an older man.

In More Detail:

Man-Scythe = Decisive man; cut-down man

Man-Stars = Famous man, ambitious man

Man-Child = Younger man, son

Man-Lily = Older man, father

It’s is a decisive and well-known man and there is also an older man involved

Scythe-Stars = Famous person’s decision; celebrity accident

Scythe-Child = Young person’s decision; child’s accident

Scythe-Lily = Older person decision; mature decision; elder accident

It looks a bit like it’s either a joint decision or a mature decision, one borne of experience.

Stars-Child = Younger person celebrity

Stars-Lily = Older person celebrity

There’s a younger and older famous person here.

Child-Lily = Mature child; older child’ adult child

Perhaps an adult child.

Initial Comments:

Interestingly, I was just reading earlier today the aftermath of the resignation a couple of days ago of Tory MP Jo Johnson (Boris’s brother), a staunch Remainer, over Brexit. The news report showed a picture of him with his father, Stanley, also an ex-politician and latterday reality show celeb. Things must be interesting in the Johnson family at the moment, with everyone on different sides. So it could be about this – certainly the Scythe seems to fit in terms of making a decision.

The only other famous father-sons combos I can think of are Prince Charles, celebrating his 70th birthday this week and his sons William and Harry. But I can’t really think of a specific decision or ‘cut’ that has been made. Let’s see if anything more unfolds.


I can’t really see anything but the above that this could have been. My guess would still be the Jo Johnson saga.

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