In my post way back when about Ways To Increase Your Lenormand Accuracy, I mentioned that looking back on past readings and assessing them is one big way you can help improve the accuracy of your Lenormand readings in the future.
And the end of the year, of course, is always a good time to take a look back at your previous readings for the year and see how they did! Now, I’ve written about this before, but it bears repeating, especially if you’re going to take a look back at any predictive readings you did at the start of the year.
Here’s my list of five things YOU can learn from going back to your previous readings and seeing how they did.
1. WHAT was accurate – and what if anything in particular seems not to have been
You’ll often find, as you go through your old readings, you get a feeling of, “ah, yes,” … along with some surprises, or things you’d completely forgotten the cards have said.
What you’ll usually find is a mixture of:
- Things that were spot on (sometimes VERY weirdly)
- Things that in retrospect fit but you didn’t perhaps see it or interpret it that way at the time
- Things that either still seem random, off, or to bear no real relation to events
2.HOW it was accurate (or not)
Here, you can start to analyse what was going on. Does it seem that:
- Your cards and interpretation were both spot on?
- Your cards were correct but your interpretation wasn’t?
- Neither cards nor possible interpretations had any bearing on reality?
3. WHY that might have been the case
For example:
- You did this reading in a particular way, asking particular questions, or with a particular mindset or approach
- You stuck to one interpretation because you thought it made more sense or wanted that at the time but actually, another turned out to be more accurate
- You weren’t in the right frame of mind when you did this reading
4.WHAT does that tell you about how you best read Lenormand & how it works for you?
For example:
- Are you mainly a predictive reader or one who uses the cards best for self-development or explorative purposes?
- What kinds of spreads do and don’t seem to work well for you?
- Do you have difficulty with certain cards or meanings? Do you need to work on your card interpretation skills?
- Do some cards always seem to work in a certain way for you?
- Do certain question types work better for you than others?
- What about how you do your readings? Is there anything you think you should be sure to do or avoid?
5. HOW will you use that information when reading Lenormand in future?
Putting it all together, what can you learn from your experiences and looking back on your readings that you can take into the future? Write it down. There are no right and wrong answers – only what works for you personally at this time. For example:
- “I’m happy/not happy to do predictive readings.” (If not, how might you best use the cards in future?)
- “I prefer to use 9-card spreads. They seem to work best for me. I don’t like 3 or 5 cards or GTs.” Or vice versa
- “I need to get better with X cards’ meanings.” or “X card ALWAYS seems to mean Y rather than Z in my readings.”
- “I need to learn more about linking cards together in a context.” “I need to learn this spread more thoroughly.”
- “I tend to do better when I ask X kind of question.”
- “My readings go better when I perform X ritual/cut the cards in a certain way/use X deck,” etc
- “X type of reading doesn’t really seem to work for me. So I’m going to try Y instead.”
So How DID My Own 2023 Lenormand Readings Fare?
Click on the links for the original readings and my updates
Conclusions: This is a highly useful advisory reading, which I found very accurate overall. It is, as I say, more advisory than predictive, so it is of course up to you whether or not you wish to heed its wisdom! I tried to but did not always bear it in mind. It was, however, correct, so I’d say ignore what it has to tell you at your peril!
My 2022/23 New Year Crossover Pyramid Reading
Conclusion: This was pretty accurate and contained the exact same themes, pretty much, as all the other spreads for my 2023 new year. It is very lacking in detail however, but can give you a broad overview. It was particularly good in terms of problems to address, which proved accurate and came up in the other spreads, as well as the mysterious male figure giving me information (who appeared in several other spreads also). Just goes to show! So a useful spread if you just want a VERY broad overview.
My 2023 Expanded Four Corners Life Areas Lenormand Reading
Conclusion: A useful spread, which again, had similar messages, although I didn’t find it to be particularly predictive.
My Personal 2023 Clock Reading
Conclusions: Mostly (but not always) accurate in terms of “themes” of each month, although only having three cards per month doesn’t give a lot of detail, so it really gives only the broadest brushstrokes. Lots of repeat themes across the year, though, especially about overload, and that was certainly accurate!
Conclusions: Largely accurate, especially the health warning it was trying to give me, as well as the fact that the year was likely to be a tricky and sluggish one, with many obstacles and things slowing me down, albeit with a lot of useful learning and bringing creative work into a “higher purpose” which fed into choices. The “paths through the houses” method in particular proved to be highly useful and reading the columns also always gives a good set of details about events. I must say that I prefer not to overload my readings too much these days and just extract the key themes and events that are closest by or most interesting.
“Okay, I’ve Looked Back And Have My Own Answers. What Resources Do You Have To Help?”
Learning to read cards well is a continuous process or should be. And there are a TON of resources, most of them completely free, here on Lozzy’s Lenormand to help you!
Check out my Lenormand Learning Resources page here or click on the steps below, work out what it is you want to do, and just dive in!