The Tower represents officialdom, official status and particularly hierarchy. It is a card that represents the establishment, and all sorts of hierarchical systems, the “order” of things. So in status terms, this is about having high status and seniority in terms of rank within the established order. It has a somewhat superior yet conservative energy to it, so in people, it can sometimes refer to someone who is snobbish, who looks down on supposedly lesser others as if from a great height.
Stars on the other hand represent a different, more expansive type of status. It does include fame and celebrities of all kinds (and thus sometimes diva-ish behaviour), but generally the energy of this card to do with achievement, adventure and expansion, “going above and beyond” rather than rank. Star people tend to be high-fliers, people who push the boundaries of what is possible, and aren’t necessarily bound by the strict rules of hierarchy and established norms in the way that is the case with the Tower, which has much more of a conservative energy.