Snake Card Combinations

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Lenormand Snake card combinations and possible meanings:

Snake & Rider:  Help coming; dishonest news

Snake & Clover: Solution; repairs; lucky woman

Snake & Ship: Travel problems; trip with a woman

Snake & House: Untrustworthy family; domestic problems

Snake & Tree: Health problems

Snake & Clouds: Confusion; gaslighting; no solution

Snake & Coffin: Problems ending

Snake & Bouquet: Positive resolution

Snake & Scythe: Surgery, recovery

Snake & Whip: Abuse, sexual abuse; injury; promiscuity

Snake & Birds: Negative gossip, slander; difficult negotiations

Snake & Child:Difficult or problem child; childish woman

Snake & Fox: Work problems; untrustworthy employee; work rival; deceit

Snake & Bear: Money troubles; bad manager; control freak

Snake & Stars: Difficult, project; challenging high-flyer;

Snake & Storks: Risky move; difficult new start

Snake & Dog: Untrustworthy friend; helpful woman

Snake & Tower: High-level corruption; lawsuit

Snake & Garden: Untrustworthy social connection; difficult event

Snake & Mountain: Big blocks; unresolved troubles

Snake & Crossroad: Multiple deceptions; running away from problems

Snake & Mice: Major problems; anxiety over problems; things get worse

Snake & Heart: Romantic betrayal; cheating; seduction

Snake & Ring:  Broken contract; compromise; agreement reached

Snake & Book: Secret betrayal; hidden problems; unpleasant secrets

Snake & Letter: Bad news

Snake & Man: Conman; cheating man; untrustworthy man

Snake & Woman: Female con artist; cheating woman; untrustworthy woman

Snake & Lily: Cheating older man; spiteful older man; sexual relationship

Snake & Sun  : Success after difficulties; costly success

Snake & Moon: Emotional/mental problems; romantic troubles; illusions

Snake & Key: Solution; success after betrayal; dodging a bullet

Snake & Fish:Business troubles; fraud

Snake & Anchor: Long-term problems; insecurity; instability

Snake & Cross: Big problems; suffering; abused woman


Sick of looking up Lenormand meanings online all the time? Sign up and grab my FREE downloadable 92-page E-Book with all the Lenormand Card Meanings, all 36 sets of Card Combination lists PLUS some great practice exercises to test your knowledge and understanding!

Looking for a deck of your own? You can see some Popular Decks here.

For guidance on different card layouts, do take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!