Ship Card Combinations

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Lenormand Ship card combinations and possible meanings:

Ship & Rider: Returning; round trip

Ship & Clover:  Lucky journey; entertaining trip

Ship & House:Houseboat;immigration, emigration; moving away

Ship & Tree: Spiritual journey; health-related trip; motion sickness

Ship & Clouds:  Transience; adventure; uncertain journey

Ship & Snake: Difficult trip; bumpy ride; travel problems

Ship & Coffin: Journey’s end; cancelled trip; shipwreck

Ship & Bouquet:  Pleasant trip; luxury travel

Ship & Scythe:  Trip cut short; last-minute cancellation; accident

Ship & Whip: Rough journey; sports holiday; sexual journey

Ship & Birds: Foreign language; plane; passengers; tourists

Ship & Child:  Pregnancy; holiday conception; kid’s trip; beginner’s journey

Ship & Fox:  Work travel; travel employee

Ship & Bear:  Money transfer; overseas money; power handover

Ship & Stars:  Space exploration, rocket; flying; journey to fame

Ship & Storks:  Moving for a fresh start; start of a new journey

Ship & Dog:  International friends; travel companion

Ship & Tower:  Official trip; foreign company or government

Ship & Garden:  Sociable trip; international travel; foreign countries

Ship & Mountain:  Delayed trip; blocked journey; borders

Ship & Crossroad:  Multiple trips; choice of route; excursions

Ship & Mice:  Stressful trip; anxious journey

Ship & Heart:  Romantic trip; holiday romance; long-distance love

Ship & Ring:  Honeymoon; overseas wedding; international contract

Ship & Book:   Research; journey to publication; educational trip

Ship & Letter:  Travel documents; overseas news; letter in transit

Ship & Man:  Male traveler; foreigner

Ship & Woman:  Female traveler; foreigner        

Ship & Lily:  Extended trip; older traveller

Ship & Sun:  Successful journey; tropical country; summer holiday

Ship & Moon:  Day-dreams; emotional or creative journey; overnight travel; honeymoon

Ship & Key: Significant journey; karma; trip of a lifetime

Ship & Fish:   Business trip; transportation; freight

Ship & Anchor:  Neverending journey; long trip; arrival

Ship & Cross:  Pilgrimage, religious journey; burdened trip


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Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!