Reading Grand Tableaus With Extra Cards

So as per my previous post discussing my top 7 tips on How To Use Extra Cards (if you have a deck that uses them), we’re going to look at how you can use them in Grand Tableaus.

The best way is to expand your Grand Tableau to encompass ALL the cards in your deck (minus the double people and alternate versions of other cards). The additional cards will then create additional “Houses” that you can read in the same way as the others, although many readers do NOT assign “extra” Houses to the cards. These aren’t “official”, but I just choose to, the reason being that I like to be able to follow the hidden story trail through the Grand Tableau via the Houses as one of my reading techniques.

So here is an 8×5 Grand Tableau using the Rana George deck (40 cards minus the alternative people cards). You could also do it as an 8 x4 +4 +4 if you wanted to retain the original ‘shape’ of the Grand Tableau and just add a line of four extra cards at the bottom. The four extra “Houses” in the bottom row are Spirit, Incense Burner, Bed, Marketplace.

And here is an 8 x 5 + 4 Grand Tableau using the Ciro Marchetti Gilded Reverie Deck (minus the extra people and Birds cards, this makes 44 cards)

Again, you could retain the shape of an ‘original’ GT but add TWO extra rows of four at the bottom.

The extra “Houses” in order are: Time, Bridges, Dice, Mask, Well, Compass, Labyrinth, Magnifying Glass



Let’s take a closer look. Here, we are going to explore the cards around the Querent as usual, and we’re also going to focus on the influences of each of the additional cards, plus read the cards in their Houses.

Let’s assume our Querent is a Man

  • To get an overview of the spread, take a look at the four corners first, and also the first three cards.
  • Next, take a look at the Man card himself. Where is he sitting in the spread, how much control does he have or not have, and is he mainly influenced by the past, the future or neither at the moment?
  • What House is he sitting in (remember, we have four additional houses)? What card is passing through the House of Man at this time?
  • Now let’s take a look at the cards immediately around. him. What do they tell you?
  • Which cards are knighting him?
  • Look at the row, columns and diagonals of where he’s sitting and ‘tell his story’
  • Now, let’s get more in depth with both the Marketplace and the Ring card either side of him. Check their houses, the cards surrounding them and their knighting cards. Do they give any extra info?
  • What about the Spirit card, do you think it’s connected with him at all?
  • And now take a look at the Incense Burner and Bed cards, the cards surrounding them and their knighting cards as Also take a look at what cards fall in their Houses.

The Houses With Extra Rana Cards

Want to see how I interpreted it? Click below!




Again, we are going to explore the cards around the Querent as usual, and we’re also going to focus on the influences of each of the additional cards, plus read the cards in additional Houses, if you choose to create extra Houses for them.


The Houses With Extra Gilded Lenormand Cards


Let’s assume our Querent here is a Woman

  • To get an overview of the spread, take a look at the four corners first, the first three cards, and the four cards at the bottom.
  • Next, take a look at the Woman card herself. Where is she sitting in the spread, how much control does she have or not have, and is she mainly influenced by the past, the future or neither at the moment?
  • What House is she sitting in  What card is passing through Position 29 House of Woman at this time?
  • Now let’s take a look at the cards immediately around her. What do they tell you?
  • Which cards are knighting her?
  • Look at the row, columns and diagonals of where she’s sitting and ‘tell her story’.
  • Look now at the Time card and where it’s sitting. What is that telling you, do you think? And if you read the cards around it? What’s it being knighted by? And what appears in the House of Time (Position 37?)
  • Looking at the Bridges card, what is it bridging from and to for her? What house is it sitting in? What do the cards around it tell you? What is it being knighted by? What’s it being mirrored and reflected by? What appears in the House of Bridges?
  • And the Compass? This is also near her. Look at the direction it is pointing in. What is she being guided from and to? What do the cards around it tell you? What House is it sitting in, so what’s the theme of the guidance? What is it mirrored by and knighted by? What appears in the House of Compass?
  • Now take a look at the Well. Where do you think she needs to “go deeper?” What House is it sitting in, what do the cards around it tell you? What do the knighting and mirroring cards say? And what is sitting in the House of Well?
  • Now look at the Dice and the Magnifying Glass and follow the same process, to tell you about gambles and risks she’s taking, as well as where she needs to look more closely.
  • Do the same for the Labyrinth to tell you about complex issues or situations she faces, as well as the Mask, to show what “faces” she’s putting on and why.



80pp Card Combinations downloadable PDF for extra cards now available!!

The downloadable 80pp PDF of suggested combination lists for extra cards for the Rana George and Gilded Reverie decks is ONLY available from the Shop. Want it? Get yours now!