Q: Will my financial prospects improve soon, and if so, when?
A. Will my financial prospects improve soon, yes or no?
With yes/no questions, a good way of getting the overall ‘feel’ of a spread is to look at the number of positive, negative and neutral cards in a reading.
Here, you’ve got:
The Sun (Positive)
The Rider (Positive)
The Bouquet (Positive)
Which seems to give a resounding Yes!
B. When?
Now, as you’ll know from the posts on Lenormand Timing, there are various ways of reading the timings. Sometimes, the cards give a very clear message, sometimes they don’t.
Here, we have the Rider, which says “Very soon”.
The Sun, which can indicate Summer, or even the 31st of a month
The Bouquet, which can also be a sign of Summer and also has the number 9. This could represent the 9th of the month, or September.
My gut feeling from this is that it does represent very soon this summer, probably August time, although it could be the 31st of a summer month.
Also Read the Cards Themselves
The cards themselves can also give an ‘events’ message which gives an indication about timings, often more clearly than looking for exact dates.
Here, we have some quite clear meanings:
Sun: Summer
Rider: Delivers
Bouquet: A Gift
The Summer Delivers A Gift
It’s also worth reading the three cards in the usual way, with combinations, to check if there are any other messages:
A beautiful or blossoming success or summer brings a delivery or something new (Sun-Bouquet, Rider). The arrival of the sun (Sun-Rider) brings a gift (Rider-Bouquet)
Will my financial prospects improve soon, and if so, when?
Yes, it looks as though they will improve and very soon, likely in the summer, in which you are likely to receive a “gift” of some kind.