Q: How can I get the money I’m hoping for?
Centre Card: LETTER.
This refers to news, documents, and written material. So at the core of the reading is something to do with that. We need to look at the cards around that to get more detail.
A quick way to get an overview of this reading is to look at the mirrored cards – Cards 1+5 and 2+4, around that centre card.
Fish-Fox = Working independently, freelancing, own business
Man-Bear = A wealthy or powerful man or one connected with money
all centred around
Letter = News/documentation/the written word
Working for yourself but with something to do with a wealthy or powerful man or one connected with money about whom there is news.
So now, let’s try and get more detail. We can do that by both reading the cards in a chain, in pairs from left to right. We can also add to it by reading every card in combination with every other card, which I have found tends to give useful extra details.
Fish-Man. A man’s business or cash
Man-Letter. A writing man, a journalist or blogger, perhaps? Or someone who produces documents.
Letter-Bear. Financial news. Money on paper.
Bear-Fox. Salary, money from working or by being smart. Careful though, as this could also mean theft. Be clever about your money. Smart investments.
A man’s business, possibly written about or in financial news involving being smart about your money and investments
Fish-Man A man’s business or cash
Fish-Letter A writing business
Fish-Bear A financial business, cashflow
Fish-Fox Working independently, freelancing, own business. Being clever about cash.
A man’s business writing about money or cash and being clever with money
Man-Letter. A writing man, a journalist or blogger, perhaps? Or someone who produces documents or messages
Man-Bear. A wealthy or powerful man
Man-Fox An employee or a man who is clever about money. May be sneaky
A likely wealthy or powerful man who writes to you about money
Letter-Bear. Financial news. Money on paper.
Letter-Fox. News from work or employment. Writing about being smart.
Something written, maybe an article, about money, making your money work or being smart with it
Bear-Fox. Salary, money from working or by being smart. Careful though, as this could also mean theft. Be clever about your money. Smart investments.
Q: How can I get the money I’m hoping for?
A: This has something to do with a man’s business, possibly written about or in financial news involving being smart about your money and investments. A man’s business of writing about money or cash and being clever with money. He’s likely a wealthy or powerful man who writes to you about money, most likely making your money work or being smart with it. Salary, money from working or by being smart. Careful though, as this could also mean theft. Be clever about your money. Smart investments.
So in reality, this could be about looking for advice or info from, say, a financial blogger or journalist, or someone who is already wealthy and seeing what he has to say about being smart with it.