My Life Path Reading For New Year 2022/23

My 2022/23 Path Reading


My Interpretation

Where Am I At On My Path At This Point?

Scythe-Incense Burner-Rider

Cuts, pain, decision-making (Scythe), Cleansing, atmosphere or air (Incense Burner), Arrival (Rider)

The time has arrived to make some “cleansing” or purifying decisions. What do you need to cut out of your life to cleanse it? What reminds you of or causes pain and how can you get rid of it? This is a good time for you to start taking action, and to rid yourself of anything that does not serve you.

Update: Yes, this was accurate. Time to make changes, cuts, decisions and clear the air and start looking at what did and didn’t serve me. This message came through in most of my personal readings with different spreads and decks. Whether I was able to actually do that or not, however, was another matter!

What Wisdom Is Being Offered To Me At This Time?


Change and new beginnings (Storks), The Long Term (Anchor), Luck, Good Fortune (Clover)

Making changes for the long-term will prove fortunate for you, and the luck should be lasting. An excellent time to make positive changes for the long term, and think where you want to be in future. The Anchor represents regularity and routines also; what good habits do you want to bring into your life to make those changes?

Update: Yes, the cards were telling me to start looking long term and really look at what I wanted to be lasting for the future, to bring “lasting luck”. Did I manage to do that though? Hmm.

What Obstacles Is The Next Year Likely To Bring For Me?


Feelings, creativity, reputation, inner world (Moon), Rest, laziness, sleep (Bed), Naivety, childlikeness (Child)

You may find yourself feeling and behaving rather lazily and immaturely; somewhat teenager-like. Your feelings and fantasies may be a bit dreamlike, head in the clouds and a little childish, and you could revert to being a bit adolescent and “meh” in terms of inactivity and laziness. Resist!

Update: The cards did suggest laziness or sluggishness was likely to be a problem, particularly with new projects, and lo, it was indeed the case, although I’m not sure the teenager-ness was accurate. Also to watch out for reputational issues around this, being affected by slowness or laziness (even though I’m not  lazy, but sluggishness was definitely a problem).

What Is My Best Path Forward?


Spirit, the spirit world, spiritual guidance (Spirit), Goals & ambitions, dreams (Stars), cunning, hustle, survivalist (Fox)

You may have to use your smarts spiritually to achieve your goals. Make sure you’re not deceiving yourself and keep alert to the big picture, and know that you’ll have to hustle and adapt a bit to get where you want to go. Accept spiritual guidance but it’s time to do whatever you have to do to achieve what you want. Keep your eyes peeled for signs of Spirit.

Update: This was good advice indeed, especially about not deceiving myself, keeping my eyes on the big picture, and learning to be street-smart about things. Also quite a spiritual year, all told.