My Interpretation
January: Cross-Stars- Dog
You can get help or support with the burdens or weight of fulfilling your dreams this month, as you may feel a bit overloaded. What goals are you going for, and who do you have in. your life who can help you through this challenge?
Update: I was definitely very overloaded at this time in the year, with far too much to do, getting behind, and far little time to do it. Worse, I wasn’t getting a huge amount of support, but was spending time with friends.
February: Fox-Rider-Mice
This month might feel a bit like you’re scrabbling to keep your head above water, as some doubts over wrongness or deceptions arrive, and you might have to use your smarts. Is everything serving your needs, and which doubts or niggles do you need to take notice of?
Update: Hah! Yes, this was very true with what was going on at the time, with someone finding out something about me that I didn’t really want them to know and I’d had to be smart about.
March: Tower-Ship-Woman
“Your” month (your birthday month, in fact), and you appear to be making good progress up the ladder. How can you make sure you organise or structure things so you can keep things moving apace?
Update: I was out and about with a lot of people this month, travelling quite a bit, visiting places. Good progress up the ladder? Not sure.
April: Moon-Tree-Storks
A very springlike feel here, with growth creatively and emotionally bringing changes to your wellbeing. Where are your energies best placed, and what changes do you feel you need to make?
Update: And… this was the month I finally got COVID, which wasn’t serious but lingered for a long time. My health and energies , not to mention my productivity really took a hit, so there was the Tree, and it being a health issue. I did recover, but I certainly wouldn’t call it “springlike”.
May: Whip-Sun-Anchor
Success takes effort, good habits and discipline, and you’ll be working hard towards long-term success. Where might you need to be more disciplined and what habits do you want to implement for the best results and successes that last the course?
Update: This whole month really was just about hard work, trying to catch up.
June: Key-Clover-Mountain
You may find that luck you were relying on comes up against obstacles, opposition or gets blocked. On the other hand, waiting and taking your time might turn out to be crucial. How can you move past any obstacles placed in your way?
Update: Another not-easy month, and yes, a lot of obstacles and challenges to get past. Luck seemed against me in a big way.
July: Birds-Crossroads-Heart
You’ll be talking about following your passions or your heart and which way is the best to do that. There could be a lot of discussion as you decide which path to take and where your true passions lie. How can you make the decision easier? What really matters the most to you?
Update: A lot of snarl-ups with far too much to do and having to try and find ways of prioritising what really mattered. So I’d say that was fairly accurate, although I wasn’t communicating much about it.
August: Book-Man-Clouds
A man appears to be holding a secret, or knowledge that is obscured, and you may find it hard to access. Who is he and how can you learn what he knows?
Update: Kind of, although my interpretation of the cards was incorrect. I found out a good male friend of mine was suffering mental health issues. And this was just before, in the following month, I was to find out that another male college friend had sadly passed away in tragic and deeply unfair circumstances which I’d had no idea about. The Clouds in its most negative form here, for sure.
September: Letter-Fish-Flowers (Bouquet)
You should receive some lovely news about money or an enterprise. You could even find yourself rewarded by the writing business. How can you make the most of this gift or blessing?
Update: Hah! Lovely news? Quite the opposite in fact. This was a really difficult month financially BUT I did then land a new online writing job that was relatively highly paid, so that could well be the “gift” in question.
October: Coffin-Lilies-Child
Something old or from the past comes to an end, and innocence gives way to experience. The end of childhood or an apprenticeship. What experiences have you gained, and what is drawing to a close now?
Update: This could partly be related to the death of my college friend, but I can’t see anything that this particularly related to in my life at the time.
November: Scythe-Snake-Ring
You need to commit to getting rid of something, probably something problematic or that’s causing difficulties. Make sure you’re not too attached to the problem. What do you need to get rid of, and what should you look out for?
Update: These three cards seemed like an exhortation to “cut the cord” with something troublesome. Again, it’s really about overload, organisation, and overwork. Prioritisation of projects, too many commitments.
December: House-Garden-Bear
You are well protected materially both by those close to you and the outside world. You may be getting out more and should enjoy the protection of others. Who are the people in your life that you trust and have your best interests at heart?
Update: Definitely a period where things are going well again and I’m well aware of who are my best supporters and who have my back.