Lenormand Love & Relationship Readings II

Lenormand Love & Romance Quiz!

Want to do more Lenormand love readings? So after my post about some of the cards that come up frequently in Love & Relationship readings, let’s take a look at a few live examples in response to common relationship questions.

As with my Career readings, I’m purposely repeating some of the cards in slightly different contexts so you can see the effect  on the likely meaning of the reading. All of these are five-card spreads with the love-related cards among them; however, in a live reading, you might have other surrounding cards to give you more context (as in a Grand Tableau). Or you might draw more cards to give you more information, for example, using a 9-card-spread. The wording of the question you ask will of course always be significant.

Common Questions Asked About Love & Relationships – Sample Readings

Will I meet somebody soon?



The cards here indicate a a woman who’s been a bit of a free spirit (Woman-Fish) and probably has been quite happy being on her own, given the Fish’s association with independence and freedom. She’s sociable (Woman-Garden) and/or is likely at the point she’s feeling ready to get out there and start dating (Garden-Rider). With the Garden at the centre, the focus seems to do with being ‘out there’ in the world, socialising.

I’d say yes, it does look like romance is on the cards (Rider-Heart), with a new lover coming into her life, although it’s yet to be seen how serious this relationship will be. The Fish in this context gives the whole reading a fairly lighthearted, independent feel – I’d suggest a romance with an element of freedom (Fish-Heart)



Can anyone say “baggage”? Here, you’ve got a guy who seems to be carrying some sort of burden from his past (Cross-Man). The cards don’t indicate what exactly, and you might want to do a 9-card spread with that Cross as your key card to see if you can glean any more info on what that’s all about. Again, this seems like a sociable man, putting himself out there (Man-Garden, Garden-Rider), and it could be that the Cross is firmly in the past.

However, the presence of the Mountain ahead – and how it mirrors the Cross – indicates that whatever it is will be carrying its influence into the future. So although he’s putting himself out there, perhaps feeling pressured to do so, the indications are that his progress will be blocked in some way (Rider-Mountain).

There aren’t any signs of romance ahead at the current time, and given the “heavy” nature of the reading, I’d suggest the person isn’t perhaps ready yet for dating. He’d probably be wisest to focus on clearing up any issues from the past, as the Mountain also signifies a degree of isolation.


What Is The Future of This Relationship?



Here, we see a relationship that appears to have had its ups and downs (Whip-Ship), most likely, plenty of arguments, a relationship that’s been fairly volatile in nature, and that perhaps has been on a bit of a journey  (Ship). The mirroring of the Whip + Bouquet indicates that this has not always been a negative, with a certain amount of pleasure involved. This could mean sexually, or it could just be that it’s the kind of relationship that’s needed a bit of ‘vigour’ to keep it going (This could be explored further by looking in more detail at the personalities of each of the partners involved).

The key to the love here, it seems, is communication (Heart-Birds) and a certain kind of togetherness (also indicated by the Birds). All in all, despite its less-than-auspicious beginnings, the future of this relationship looks pretty positive and as if it somehow blossoms (Bouquet), with more positive and pleasant kinds of communication indicated (Birds-Bouquet).




Here, on the other hand, we have a union that’s been notable for its stability and solidity (Ring-Anchor). All looks well until we come to that Scythe at the end of the line. Given there are no indications of past troubles (what with Anchor-Heart and Heart-Birds), it looks as if what is coming up is something very sudden indeed and probably something rather unfortunate. It gives the whole reading a sense of upset, as it indicates that all this former stability is going to be lost, perhaps through a sudden break in communication (Birds-Scythe).

Given that there are no other indications or hints in this reading, it would be wise to explore further details, particularly around the Birds and the Scythe itself, to try to gain a better understanding of the issues.


Is this person a good romantic prospect?



Here we have someone who’s very pleasant and attractive (Woman-Bouquet). But she appears to have a secret or be hiding something (Book-Woman) – or rather, someone (Dog-Book). The Dog indicates another relationship in the background, and the fact he remains hidden and there’s little sign in the spread of this being over should be a concern. Confusion and unease is further compounded by the presence of the Clouds aheadindicating that she is perhaps not as pleasant  (Bouquet-Clouds) as she may seem at first glance. This confusion seems directly related to this person in her past (Dog-Clouds).

The cards therefore do not suggest that this person is a good romantic prospect at present.




Aww. Depending on what you’re looking for, this guy looks like he has it going. The cards indicate a faithful, loyal sort (Heart-Dog) and also that he’s a relationship-person (Man-Ring) – although watch out that it doesn’t mean that he’s already married! As those two cards together often indicate married men.

There’s no other woman appearing in this particular reading though and unless he’s gay (the Dog can indicate another male partner) it seems indicative of loyalty in character. As long as you’re sure he is free – again, you might want to make sure of this by looking at the context or doing further readings – the cards indicate this is wholly positive. It certainly looks as though there may be wedding bells in the future (Ring-Bouquet).


Obviously, there are as many different permutations as there are card combinations (and many other questions) but I hope this gives you a flavour of the information the Lenormand cards can give you in simple Love & Relationship readings.


Want to to check your  understanding of the card meanings?  Either check out my Card Combinations page, or, if you’d like a FREE downloadable 92-page e-book containing all 36 sets of Combinations plus some great exercises to test your knowledge of their meanings, why not join my mailing list? Sign up and it’s all yours!


If you’d like some practice in Lenormand Love Readings and like reading on your phone, iPad or e-reader, why not grab my BRAND NEW Lenormand Love Readings e-book from Amazon Kindle or other e-book readers like Nook, Kobo or Apple Books?


  • Recap of general card meanings & card layout instructions
  • Focus on Lenormand Love & Relationship card meanings
  • Downloadable card meaning practice exercises x 6
  • Downloadable Love practice readings x 14, 3-Card, 5-Card & 9-Card
  • Answers

Also coming soon in paperback from Amazon, and will be available as PDF ebook from the Shop.