Bouquet Card Combinations

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Lenormand Bouquet card combinations and possible meanings:

Bouquet & Rider: Gift; pleasant visitor; positive encounter

Bouquet & Clover: Joy; good luck

Bouquet & Ship: Pleasant trip; lovely holiday

Bouquet & House: Home decorating; beautiful house; pleasant home; party

Bouquet & Tree: Blooming health; nature

Bouquet & Clouds: Daydreams; pleasant fantasies; laziness

Bouquet & Snake: Tempting beauty; all that glitters; jealousy

Bouquet & Coffin: Funeral flowers; disappointment, let-down

Bouquet & Scythe: Plastic surgery; positive decision

Bouquet & Whip: Sexual pleasure; endorphins; dancing

Bouquet & Birds: Pleasant conversation; lovebirds; goodlooking couple

Bouquet & Child: Childlike pleasure; positive new start; attractive child

Bouquet & Fox: Work happiness; job in beauty industry; florist; fake happiness

Bouquet & Bear: Financial gift; good financial situation

Bouquet & Stars: Accolade, recognition; dreams come true

Bouquet & Storks: Positive new beginning; happy arrival; progress

Bouquet & Dog: Good friendship; pleasant time with friends; lovely friend

Bouquet & Tower: Beauty and fashion industry; shopping mall

Bouquet & Garden: Party; flower show; happy event; park

Bouquet & Mountain: Delayed pleasure; hiking; outdoors        

Bouquet & Crossroad: Positive opportunities; multiple blessings

Bouquet & Mice: Butterflies; anticipation; happiness shortlived

Bouquet & Heart: Love blessing; positive love relationship

Bouquet & Ring: Relationship happiness; good contract; happy marriage

Bouquet & Book: Secret gift; learning something pleasant

Bouquet & Letter: Gift delivery; good news; invitation

Bouquet & Man: Male charm; handsome; gentleman

Bouquet & Woman: Female charm; beauty

Bouquet & Lily: Serenity; peace; wisdom

Bouquet & Sun: Great success; win; celebration

Bouquet & Moon: Romantic happiness; creative blossoming; fulfilment

Bouquet & Key: Significant blessing; great success; very beautiful

Bouquet & Fish: Business positivity; beauty industry

Bouquet & Anchor: Long term positivity; happiness; goals reached

Bouquet & Cross: Charity; burdened happiness         


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Looking for a deck of your own? You can see some Popular Decks here.

For guidance on different card layouts, do take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!