There are several Kipper decks available, although not nearly as many as with Lenormand, and there are some ‘disputes’ as to which are more “correct” than others with regard to directionality etc.
For example, the “original” Kipperkarten design actually has two versions, the “original” original deck from 1890…
And the SAME deck reprinted in 1920 with most of the cards transposed/directions changed, as you can see here.
Unfortunately, at the moment, either of the original designed Kipperkarten decks are extremely hard to get hold of.
Most readers will first come across the beautiful Ciro Marchetti Fin de Siecle version. (Directionally, it largely follows the 1920 original)
A fairly widely available deck that’s closest in design, although obviously designed much, much later, to the “original” original (aka the 1890 deck) is the Salish.