The corners suggest that overall the reading could involve a hidden atmosphere or sense of knowing, intuition (Book-Incense Burner) about pleasures being drained or brought to an end (Coffin-Bouquet). The knowledge in itself is quite positive (Book-Bouquet), but there is the sense of an ending, ‘the smell of death’ or a kind of ritual bringing something to a close (Coffin-Incense Burner).
The first three cards suggest an emotional or intuitive woman’s knowledge or discovery (Book-Woman-Moon)
Our Man card is sitting right at the bottom of the spread, suggesting he may be weighed down by a lot of influences that are out of his control at this time. He is fairly central in the fourth column, with some influences coming from the past as well as focused on the future. He is sitting in House 36, the Cross, suggesting he is very weighed down and burdened at this time, the weight of the world on his shoulders, and could be suffering in some way. Meanwhile, the card passing through the House of the Man is the Dog. Having friendship, companionship and support will be important to him.
The Dog is in fact, sitting above him also, showing that support is very much on his mind. Unfortunately, it seems that he may not be sure who is friend and who is foe with regard to the people he knows (Garden-Dog-Clouds). Is this just in his own mind? If you look at the cards knighting the Dog, you can see hopes of love in the past (Stars-Love), positive energies (Sun-Tree) as a higher influence, so he’s probably more supported than he realises, and there’s luck or an opportunity for further support in the future (Clover-Rider).
Meanwhile, immediately around him, we have the Marketplace and the Ring, which means there’s some agreed business or trading to be done, perhaps some deals or transactions, or perhaps, on a lower scale, he’s just going to be doing some shopping!. It’s also about being or going public in some way (Garden-Marketplace), out in the world where his value may be judged and scrutinised. And ahead of him, we see that there’s some uncertainty about deals or arrangements (Clouds-Ring).
If we look at the cards knighting him, meanwhile, we see the Tower, suggesting status, so he could be an official person, but equally, it could be that his own sense of his standing is on his mind. Influencing him from above, there also seem to be some tough conversations or arguments (Birds-Whip), but there are changes ahead for him, something new (Storks).
The story of the row he’s sitting in is that he’s had blessings in love (Bouquet-Heart), possibly in terms of courting love and affection out in the world (Heart-Marketplace), it may be that he’s married or is committed or has made arrangements (Man-Ring), and they’re coming up (Ring-Rider), but he needs to keep his wits about him, particularly for anyone new who may be deceptive (Rider-Fox), and anyone giving off an air of deception (Fox-Incense Burner).
Diagonally to his left, meanwhile, we can see getting older and his hopes and dreams for that (Lilies-Stars), particularly with regard to other people or socialising (Stars-Garden) and how he is with others (Garden-Man).
The Marketplace here, for business, trade, markets, shops and stores, hustle & bustle is sitting in Position 35 in this layout, the House of Anchor, so there is a regularity to his activities. It’s something he loves or is passionate about (Heart-Marketplace-Man), is connected with his status or standing or an organisation in some way (Tower-Heart), seems to involve getting out and about and meeting people (Garden-Marketplace), and involves help and support (Dog-Man), so he could be helping someone else out too. The Marketplace is being knighted by the Key, showing it is very important in some way, as well as the Stars and Ship, which suggests a broadening of horizons. Knighting it ahead, however, are the Clouds, suggesting possibly gloomy prospects in trade or these activities, or there could just be a ‘fuzzy’ or ethereal quality to them in some way.
Meanwhile, the card that falls in the House of Marketplace (position 40) is the Incense Burner. This suggests a cleansing or purifying effect in some way connected with trade or these activities; it could involve scents or smells or perfume.
The Ring next to him, showing he’s a man with a commitment, possibly a married man, is sitting in position 37, which here, is Rana’s House of Spirit. This suggests there is some sort of spiritual link with what he is doing, that arises from his role as friend, partner or support (Dog-Man). There is something gloomy, possibly, or at best fuzzy about what has been agreed or the commitment itself (Clouds-Ring). However, we can also see that he’s likely to emerge from this gloom as a companion anew (Dog-Clouds-Storks), and that a new start is coming (Storks-Rider). It seems that whatever gloom he’ll be experiencing is temporary. In terms of the knighting cards, we can see that his commitment has something to do with going out, being public (Garden), that it involves a positive movement in some way (Ship-Clover), although he may need to commit to bedrest for a while (Bed).
So there does appear to be a spiritual connection of sorts with the Ring appearing in the House of Spirit, but here, I’d say it’s likely more of an inner spirit, inner self than any sort of external guide, unless that is in the belief system of the man concerned. If we look at the Spirit card itself, it is appearing in the House of the Fox, suggesting a “deceptive” or at best survivalist inner spirit, perhaps overly alert. Around it, we have the Child and the Tree, connecting the man’s spirituality or inner spirit with child or childlike energies, but we can see also that a long term problem of the man’s possibly giving him pain, or it may be removed (Scythe-Snake-Anchor). Beneath the Spirit, we can see that there could have been spiritual conflict at home but they could create opportunities too (Whip-Clover-House).
It seems as though spiritually, there could have been some painful or difficult energies about (Scythe-Tree-Whip), and that there’s been some bad luck with regard to inner spirit or guidance, something generally negative or causing bad luck (Snake-Spirit-Clover). Ahead, there appears to be the restoration of a long-term sense of childlikeness or innocence in the home (Anchor-Child-House).
The Spirit card is being mirrored and reflected by the Sun, showing it’s generally positive, but also changes out in the world (Garden-Storks). It is being knighted by worries about movement or perhaps mobility (Mice-Ship), possibly about spiritual issues or “ghosts” appearing in dreams (Clouds-Bed), and also, strangely, choices or paths connected with endings or, yes, even death and bereavement (Coffin-Crossroads).
The Bed can show rest, sleep and relaxation and anything else bed-related, such as sex. Here, it is appearing in the House of Sun, showing, most likely, that bedrest is positive and restorative, a good thing. It may actually appear on a doctor’s note, as there seems to be a connection with a Letter, and the restorative nature of it is underlined by the Storks appearing in connection with it also (Storks-Bed-Letter). Above the Bed, are multiple instances of luck and positivity at home (Clover-House-Crossroads), but beneath it is the onset of a sense or atmosphere that something may be wrong (Rider-Fox-Incense Burner). So there’ll be positive changes that will bring rest, (Clover-Storks-Rider), but something perhaps a little wrong at home, or them appearing when you’re asleep (House-Bed-Fox). Ahead, there could be a choice of atmosphere, or different ways to clear the problem, that there may be something written down about (Crossroads-Letter-Incense).
The card appearing in the House of Bed is the Fox, so it may be that the sense of there being “something wrong” is showing up when lying down or asleep.
The Incense Burner is in the final position in the reading, and sitting here in the House of Marketplace, so it could be about “trade” being some sort of cleanser or purification process, or even about buying perfume! Again it shows that there may be an atmosphere of there being something wrong, or even that perfume is being used more literally to get rid of bad smells (Fox-Incense Burner!) Above, there’s the note about bedrest (Bed-Letter) or a message about sleeping and getting enough rest and that has an influence on the atmosphere too (Letter-Incense-Burner).
Let’s not forget the four corners of the reading, which mirror the Incense Burner here, showing both a “secret” purification or cleansing in some way, or an atmosphere of mystery (Book-Incense Burner) as well as, rather less pleasantly, an atmosphere of endings, even of death (Coffin-Incense Burner), although there’s a ritualistic aspect here too, as in a funeral, that the end of something can “clear the air”. Knighting the Incense Burner, we get the Storks, which brings transformation and change, as well as the House, for home, and a change in atmosphere domestically, perhaps things being cleaned or purified.
I know exactly who and what this reading was about, and it’s actually pretty low key; it’s my elderly father, who is in his 80s and lives with and has a very long and content marriage with my mother. At the time of the reading, he was going through a brief and inexplicable malaise, disrupting his normal daily routines, which he does to help my mother; he goes out to the shops and does their food shopping every day! My mother was very worried about him, as he didn’t want to go, which is unheard of, it’s one of the things that keeps him active, and was feeling very, very low and anxious, but hiding the reasons, although with many of my parents’ old friends passing away in the last few years, he has started to get more and more agitated and worried about the future . My mother, for her part, ever practical, is busy planning for their old age, planning for the worst, hoping for the best, but tells me he chooses to ignore any practicalities in terms of planning for later and denies and worries instead. It turned out he’d been feeling dizzy and unsteady on his feet. Both I and my mother had sensed there was something wrong, or unusual as his routines are usually SO routine that it was noticeable, so the first three cards would have referred to me, probably, as I’d started to wonder if this was perhaps “it”, or a sign of things to come. Once he’d spent some time resting though, he was back to normal, and the atmosphere in their home began to settle.