Do you only use the cards to “tell you what will happen” “what fate has in store” or do you prefer to use them as a guide to how YOU might create your own future?
Lenormand: Fated Or Created?
Without question, traditionally, Lenormand WAS just a fortune telling game, as you can see from how its Number One spread, the Grand Tableau, worked.
After all, the Grand Tableau is not about questions other than “What’s In My Future?” While you can see what it says about different life areas like love, moneymaking, friends & family and so on, you can’t get it the spread itself to focus on the exact questions you want in the same way as you can with short readings. So you can find out, for instance, “What it says about my love life” as we saw in the last post, but a Grand Tableau will tell you only what IT wants to, not necessarily the bits you want to know!
And it takes the view, primarily, that “these ARE or will be the current influences you are working with.” So it’s quite a fatalistic way of looking at things. Sure, that still doesn’t set any of it in stone, but it also doesn’t stop you thinking that it might be set in stone. And that isn’t always the most useful thing at any given point.
Sometime it might be better to think about whether or not that is really what you want the cards to do for you, or if you are actually just hoping that fate has decided you’ll be getting a particular result. For instance:
- Are you looking for love in your Grand Tableau because you want to see out of interest what “fate has in store for your love life”… or more because you are conscious you don’t have love and want to find it?
- Are you asking “What will happen in my job?” because you’re unhappy in it or unsure whether to stay or leave in order to find a more fulfilling career?
- Are you wondering if some changes you are implementing will get you closer to a goal you want to achieve not, and what is the thing you most want to happen?
- Are you wondering more IF you are going to make any money, or HOW you might do that since you’re sick of living from paycheck to paycheck?
Now, often, the reason we humans want to use cards for divination in the first place is not just because it’s fun and interesting, but also because we are trying to use them to access information about OUR place in the universe, to give us a sense of control over our futures. When Napoleon’s Josephine went to Mlle Lenormand to find out how her husband was likely to do in battle, for example, deep down what she really wanted to know was “What does he need to do to ensure he wins?”
As such, you are NOT necessarily just tied to using cards for questions about “what fate has in store for you”. Even with traditional divination there would usually be signposts and pathways you can follow, the best routes to achieve a desired outcome. You are not necessarily just a passive recipient of fate. You do not have a fixed timeline that’s been set externally for you, and you just have to meekly accept it, and wait to be told. Why not go the whole hog and ask the cards for guidance on what YOU might do in order to try to achieve a specific desired outcome?
And working with desired outcomes, or intent, using Lenormand cards is what this post is ALL about.
Spreads That Set Your Intent Or Goal
In EVERY one of the spreads I’m going to show you here, it is the reader who sets the ultimate goal, the place they want to get to, and the cards which are advising on steps along the way and the cards giving guidance for HOW BEST THEY MIGHT BE ACHIEVED. It’s a subtle shift from the “What will happen?” mindset, but an important one, as it changes you from a passive recipient of “your fate” to someone actively striving to create that fate for yourself.
What Are The Best Spreads For This?
ANY spread from any system that has a “final outcome” position can be adapted so that you, rather than Fate or the cards, decide the outcome you’d like to see…and then see what the cards have to tell you!
You can also adapt some classic short Lenormand reading layouts too, as we’ll see below. But first…
How You Frame Your Question is REALLY Important In Setting Intent…
“What will happen to me?” type questions are NOT the same as “How can I do/gain/achieve X?” or “What advice would you give me to achieve X?” type questions.
We’ve covered this before, but essentially, if you WANT to set a specific intent and get the cards to help you with it:
- DON’T use “yes and no” questions. “Will this happen?” “Will that happen?” “Will I meet my soulmate” “Should I eave my job? “Am I going to win the lottery?”
- DON’T use “Will” questions either. “What will happen if..?” “Will I….?” “Will this relationship work?” “Will I make money?” “Will I sell the house?”
- DO use “How and What” questions based on the end result. “If I want to achieve this, HOW should I go about it? “Take me through a timeline to this result. WHAT might I focus on in order to achieve this?”
… And Actually DOING Something Based On That Advice Also Helps!
- Once you’ve finished your reading, why not make a list of real-life action points that it suggests to you?
Possible Spreads
Here are some spreads you can use with Lenormand cards to set your intent.
1. Use A Keycard In A Traditional 9-Card Box Spread To Set Intent
Now, as you know, this spread will give you an in-depth look at influences around a topic. It’s not quite as direct as some of the other layouts, as it still has an element of “What Will Happen?” about it, and can be quite loosely interpreted, but because it is about in-depth influences, you can target it via your question, to try and give you the answer and the focus on the desire you want. NB Note that I’m not saying “If you read on what you want, it will happen.”
Here’s an example. The question?
“What should I do if I want to make/generate more money with what I am doing?”
And I have “set my intention” here by using the Fish in the centre as well as that targeted question. The deck I’m using here is the Rana George Lenormand.
So what DOES this spread tell us in answer to that question, that desire, that intent?
- So let’s look at the diamond around the centre, Based around that Fish in the centre, it tells me that there are multiple routes to money, or perhaps suggests multiple income streams (Crossroads, Fish). It suggests money connected with home or family, or a “money home”, so perhaps where it’s being kept (House, Fish). It suggests help or advice with money, perhaps a financial advisor (Fish, Dog). And it suggests something written to do with money (Letter), perhaps writing down expenditure, “money on paper.”
- The central row says something about home, perhaps a hub or domain or family and that writing down of money or expenditure (House, Fish, Letter). The top row suggests that making a decision about all those outlets for money could be beneficial (Scythe, Crossroads, Bouquet). The bottom row suggests a friend or advisor’s regard for you or some kind of honour might give you official standing, or you might be viewed well by someone helpful in an institution (Moon, Dog, Tower)
- The left-hand column suggests possible reductions/budgeting at home or in some places, or cutting out emotional expenditure . The middle column says multiple streams of income should help (Crossroads, Fish, Dog). The final column says you’ll benefit from writing down your finances or documenting officially, perhaps in a particular order (Bouquet, Letter, Tower).
- The diagonals suggest cutting expenditure to companies (Scythe, Fish, Tower), and says you might get some financial gifts or honours (Bouquet, Fish, Moon), and also to be upbeat about your finances.
2. Use a “Bridging” A to B Spread with e.g. 7 Cards
This is an even simpler and more method you can use, because it literally takes you from A (where you are now) to B (where you want to be. You can do it with as few as five cards, but I’d say 7-9 are best. You can also turn up the card at the bottom of the pack after you’ve dealt, and use it as an underlying energy.
So imagine we have a female querent who just wants to achieve happiness and success. If she is in a bad or difficult situation, she can use a card to represent that. Here, I’ve just used the Labyrinth (puzzle/confusion) card to start off the spread , and I’ve used the Sun card as her ultimate goal or intention. The deck I’m using here is the Ciro Marchetti Gilded Reverie Lenormand which contains additional cards.
“How Could I Achieve Happiness & Success?”
Labyrinth—Lady—Compass—Storks & Cross—Ring—Ship—Sun
- The underlying energy here is the Cross—there is a burden there or something weighing or dragging her down or it may be a test she needs to undergo.
- Starting at the Labyrinth, one of the extra cards, and with the Lady, we can see that her starting point is being quite focused on the muddle or knot she’s in and trying to find her way out of it, or resolve the puzzle in some way.
- Next, is the Compass. This is another additional card from this deck which speaks of guidance and direction, She needs to seek guidance and find her direction, true north…
- … And she needs to do it in terms of focusing on change (Storks). It could be that the best guidance, the best inner compass would come from looking at what she herself would like to change or to move on from, or to.
- The Storks are being weighed down by that Cross we talked about. What obligations and burdens might be preventing her from making the changes she needs to make?
- Next up is the Ring, suggesting she needs to make a commitment or promise of some kind. That once she’s decided on the changes (Storks), she needs to commit to making them.
- What’s next? The Ship. The essence of the Ship is movement, moving on, progress. Given that the Ring is before this one, this suggests that what she needs to commit to is making tangible progress, moving herself on in some way.
- And that movement, according to these cards is what will bring her to that Sun.
3. Try a Star Spread With Your Goal/”Final Outcome” Already Set
We looked at this one a while back. It’s one I originally heard about for use with the “Gypsy Witch” cards which are a US derivative of Lenormand, so very similar. I absolutely love this spread; it’s super simple yet surprisingly revealing and useful. Check out the basics of how to lay and read this spread here:
Card 1, on the bottom left hand point, represents any stumbling blocks or issues in this area which will affect the eventual outcome.
To use the Star spread to set intent, you again need to know what the problem is you’re starting with and the result you want to achieve.
In this layout, the Querent is looking for a solution to the problem that they’re feeling diminished and undervalued. They have chosen the Mice to represent that problem, and the Key to represent the solution. They have also used an “underling energy” card (what was at the bottom of the pack after shuffling) to add additional insight.
I’m using the Piatnik 1941 Mlle Lenormand Cartomancy Cards for this one. Here’s the spread for this issue AND outcome.
“How Do I Find The Solution Regarding My Sense Of Diminishment & Loss Of Value?”
Key, Book, Mice, Anchor, Scythe, Clover and the underlying energy is Letter
- We’ve started with the Mice in the centre to represent the feelings of diminishment and loss of value. The Letter underneath suggests they may have documented this or it may be “on paper” that this appears to be the case.
- The FIRST card we look at is the “Obstacle or Stumbling Block” card. It represents the main obstacle that is stopping the Querent achieve their desired Outcome, which here, as we know, is the Key, gaining the solution. And here, this card is the Scythe, which represents cuts, pain, swift decisions, danger and so on. The querent has been prevented from finding the solution they seek because either something has been far too painful and they’ve been hurt, or they will need to cut something out they don’t want to.
- The next TWO cards we look at are the so-called Fate cards, but you can also take these for Action cards. They represent what MUST HAPPEN before the Querent can move on to the interim step before achieving their goal. They cannot move forward without this happening. They are read from right to left, in a pair. The cards here? The Anchor and the Book. This is talking about the lasting, the regular and permanent, the stable (Anchor) and knowledge, understanding of secrets, discovery (Book). Before our Querent can move on to the next stage towards their goal and solution, they MUST a) thoroughly understand the problem b) uncover a long-term secret c) keep learning for the long term and being open to new knowledge. Only when this is the case that the next stage can happen.
- And that is? According to these cards, the next stage after the requisite learning has taken place is the Clover. This suggests a lucky opportunity or chance can be created out of this learning (see what I mean about creating your own Fate?)
- It is THAT opportunity, chance or piece of luck that should provide the Querent with the solution they seek (Key)
4. Try The “Gypsy’s Answer” Spread With Your Final Outcome Already Set
A rather more complex but quite satisfying classic from 19th century traditional Hungarian Bohemian or “gypsy” fortune telling cards, this is a kind of free-reading but again, surprisingly insightful spread, that can be used quite easily with Lenormand cards as well as other oracles. It has a specific way it needs to be laid and read, so check out the video below for a quick guide.
Once again, it can be more satisfying if you also include an “underlying energy” card in the spread, which is the card at the bottom of the deck after you’ve finished shuffling, With this layout, I include it in the “gap” right in the centre, which means the middle “square” also includes a centre card.
Now, imagine our Querent here, who is male, is someone who wishes to find love?
Here is our spread for him. This time, we’re using the Celtic Lenormand deck. We have set the “goal” card at the top as the Heart, for love, but the rest will be laid as they fall.
“What Might I Do In Order To Find Love?”
(From Top) Heart; Scythe, Flowers, Sun; Tree, Rider, Mice; Underlying Energy Gentleman; Coffin, Child, Key; Lady, Snake, Stars
- First, we look at the bottom row; that’s the Answer overall. And here, we can see it involves a Lady, a Snake and Stars. Now there are two ways to interpret this. If you see the Snake itself as a “tempting woman” (I don’t, but many Lenormand readers do), then the answer might suggest “Find yourself a lady who tempts you and fulfils your desires!” Or if the Querent has had more trouble in his relationships with women, it might suggest he needs to address any troublesome issues with a particular woman or women and look at what he really wants (Stars).
- Next, we look at his Recent Past. We can see that in the left-hand middle section. This suggests something to do with health and energy arriving (Tree, Rider), perhaps someone new on the scene (Rider) but also a sense of diminishment or loss (Mice). Did he perhaps find he had some stirrings for someone recently, but then felt anxious and unconfident for some reason? Was there loss there? Might he need to build his confidence up?
- Now we look at the row above that; this is the Present Situation row. Here, we have the Scythe, the Flowers (Bouquet) and the Sun. Now, the Scythe can mean hurt and splits, and that may have happened, but it looks as though VERY positive things are now coming out of that (Flowers, Sun). Could it have been for the best after all?
- What do the Future cards suggest? Well, here, we’ve got the Coffin, the Child and the Key. Something needs to come to an end, there’s a sense of closure (Coffin), perhaps over this ‘new’ thing that never really got started (Child), or perhaps there’s some naivety that needs to be over now. Or perhaps it’s more that this ending will bring a new beginning that will turn out to be the Key to it all.
- THAT is the solution that leads, according to these cards, to love (Heart).
That’s not all in this spread though! There’s still more aspects you can read. You can read vertically, and you read the three “squares” above the first three cards as different topics related to this theme. Let’s take a look.
- Reading just the verticals first, we start off with the Scythe, the Rider and the Lady. This indicates that, with regard to a particular woman (who is one topic here), who looks as though she was someone new (Rider), there has been some kind of pain or breakup (Scythe). Perhaps our querent needs to cut off thoughts of her.
- The middle vertical, which has the Heart at the top of it, consists of the Flowers, an underlying energy card of the Gentleman himself, and the Snake. Finding love would require him to be the most positive, charming and attractive version of himself (Flowers, Gentleman) and to be able to deal with any past issues or hang-ups (Snake).
- The right-hand vertical shows the Sun, the Child and the Stars. This suggests a positive and successful brand new beginning is to be found if he focuses on what he actually wants in love, on his dreams.
We can also look at those three “squares” from the perspective of having the Heart card above them.
- His heart may have been broken, or love may require him to cut off (Heart, Scythe) from the energy (Tree) and sense of diminishment (Mice) that showed up for him (Rider) with regard to a Lady recently in his past.
- In the middle, finding love may require a more positive and attractive version of himself or attitude (Heart, Bouquet, Gentleman) regarding his lack of confidence and something ending (Mice, Coffin) and putting an end to some of the problems he’s been having, or addressing some of them once and for all (Snake).
- On the right, his success and happiness in a new romantic beginning (Heart, Sun, Child) may require an ending for some of his more idealist goals and dreams (Coffin, Stars), but choosing which are the most important things he wants in love (Key, Stars).
You see? You can squeeze an awful lot of useful stuff out of this one!