Context: Love & my friend’s romance on a trip

A good male friend is on an extended round the world trip with his brand new girlfriend,  but they are partway through the trip and have been having problems and arguments.

You can see what detail this might add to the reading here:

  • So these cards are definitely to do with my friend’s relationship. As before, they show a blossoming sense of status; a lovely new beginning but that seems to have degree or burden of responsibility attached to do with that status or officialdom in some way (Tower-Bouquet-Storks-Cross around a Heart card.)
  • It’s about a situation where the status of a journey or progress of some kind has been blocked or prevented (Mountain-Tower-Ship). It seems likely that the Ship in this case represents the literal trip rather than a metaphorical journey, although conversely, I think the Tower is representing the “status” of the relationship rather than anything official like documentation or visas. So it’s as if the status & meaning of the trip has been blocked in some way.
  • The key ‘answer’ to my reading is that the pleasures & good things about this love or passion come weighted with a burdens or  troubles of some kind (Bouquet-Heart-Cross). Same as before, although I would add “responsibilities” & “pressure”.  to that meaning of ‘troubles’. A round the world trip with anyone is always going to be quite intense and involve pressure, especially within a new relationship where you don’t know the person all that well.
  • The additional information about this situation was that it seems to involve going  into a brand new but unclear situation with high hopes & perhaps big ambitions (Clouds-Storks-Stars). The context clarifies this: the early days of romances are often heady, you don’t know where things are going, but are filled with hopes & dreams
  • The past involves a pleasant delay or block of some kind, followed by an uncertain or unclear (perhaps blind or vague?) loveliness – a dreamlike state, perhaps? (Mountain-Bouquet-Clouds). Again early romances often involve being in a heady, dreamlike state. The Mountain can also represent singleness &.isolation: my friend was single for a while before this romance began, although says he was enjoying this.
  • Now there is a brand new love, passion or romance that has an element of status or ‘officialdom’ about it. A power couple perhaps? (Tower-Heart-Storks). Yes, ‘official status’ as a couple. The woman concerned is also quite a high-status individual with lots of high-status friends.
  • Ahead is a journey of some kind that is carrying the weight of big hopes, dreams and ambitions (Ship-Cross-Stars). The trip looks like it’s going to be weighed down by romantic hopes and dreams of some kind.
  • Going from past to future, we see that there’s a blockage of some sort to do with the hopes for this love (Mountain-Heart-Stars) and that the progress for both it and the trip is unclear (Clouds-Heart-Ship).