Clover Card Combinations

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Lenormand Clover card combinations and possible meanings:

Clover & Rider: Upcoming opportunity; luck or a win on the way

Clover & Ship:   Overseas opportunity; last-minute travel; happy trip

Clover & House:  Prosperous family; happy home

Clover & Tree:  Recovery; great health; spiritual protection

Clover & Clouds:  Dodgy opportunities; gambling addiction; foolishness

Clover & Snake: Opportunist; gambler; false opportunity

Clover & Coffin:  Risky situation; misfortune;  unlucky outcome

Clover & Bouquet:  Good luck; happiness; lovely surprise

Clover & Scythe:  Stroke of luck; sudden opportunity

Clover & Whip:  Hard work brings luck; hard-won victory; sexual opportunity

Clover & Birds:  Lucky conversations; lucky partnerships

Clover & Child:  Beginner’s luck; happy or surprise pregnancy; happy child

Clover & Fox:   Job or career opportunity; promotion; luck at work

Clover & Bear:  Unexpected windfall; win; financial opportunity

Clover & Stars:  Very good luck; surprise fame; lucky chances

Clover & Storks :  Positive change;  new start improves things

Clover & Dog:  Friend’s luck; positive influences; good friendships

Clover & Tower:  Official recognition; casinos; high status opportunities

Clover & Garden:  Lottery; games; public opportunity

Clover & Mountain:  Retreat; holiday; blocked opportunities

Clover & Crossroad:  Multiple opportunities; breakthrough

Clover & Mice: Nervous anticipation, butterflies; gambling worries

Clover & Heart:  Love opportunity; in love; lucky love relationship

Clover & Ring:  Lucky association or contract; happy marriage or alliance

Clover & Book:  Revelations, discoveries; learning opportunity

Clover & Letter:  Lucky news; win or offer notification; lottery ticket

Clover & Man:  Lucky man; opportunist; positive thinker; risk taker

Clover & Woman:  Lucky woman; opportunist; positive thinker; risk taker

Clover & Lily:  Luck borne out of experience; happy retirement

Clover & Sun:  Overnight success; amazing achievement

Clover & Moon:  Creative or romantic opportunities; romantic luck

Clover & Key:  Lucky break; positive twist of fate

Clover & Fish:  Business opportunity; prosperity, financial luck

Clover & Anchor: Long-term prosperity; always falling on feet

Clover & Cross:  Things work out in the end; blessings; spiritual contentment


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Looking for a deck of your own? You can see some Popular Decks here.

For guidance on different card layouts, do take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!