Clouds Card Combinations

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Lenormand Clouds card combinations and possible meanings:

Clouds & Rider:
Confusing times coming; unclear message

Clouds & Clover: Happy oblivion; stumbling into lucky circumstances

Clouds & Ship: Uncertain or unclear journey

Clouds & House; Uncertain living circumstances; house sale problems

Clouds & Tree: Unclear symptoms; health uncertainty; mental health issues

Clouds & Snake: Complications; snake oil; deliberate confusion; con

Clouds & Coffin: Clarity; resolution; problems end

Clouds & Bouquet: Dreams; daydreams; happily tipsy

Clouds & Scythe: Cutting through confusion; sharpness; bad decisions

Clouds & Whip: Gaslighting; abuse; blurring of sexual boundaries

Clouds & Birds: Comms problems; misunderstanding; gossip; Chinese whispers

Clouds & Child: Childlike confusion; small misunderstanding

Clouds & Fox: Untrustworthiness; corruption; manipulation; job uncertainty

Clouds & Bear: Money issues; poor manager; diet problems

Clouds & Stars: Fantasies; laziness; delusions of grandeur

Clouds & Storks: Fools rush in; stepping into the unknown; uncertain change

Clouds & Dog: Disloyalty; untrustworthy friend; betrayal

Clouds & Tower: Shady corporate activity; murky officialdom; govt coverup

Clouds & Garden: Event marred; networking issues

Clouds & Mountain: Warning; red flags; delays and confusion

Clouds & Crossroad: Choices obscured

Clouds & Mice: Anxious confusion; worries; dementia; fear

Clouds & Heart: Cheating; uncertain romance

Clouds & Ring: Marriage problems; hidden marriage; dodgy deal

Clouds & Book: Secrets; hidden knowledge; plagiarism

Clouds & Letter: Forgery; fake news

Clouds & Man: Conman; unstable man

Clouds & Woman: Conwoman; unstable woman

Clouds & Lily: Dementia; memory problems

Clouds & Sun: Victory in the end; all comes good

Clouds & Moon: Emotional confusion; moodiness

Clouds & Key: Resolution; the answer is found

Clouds & Fish: Dodgy business practices; cashflow problems; uncertainty

Clouds & Anchor: Long-term worries; stability in times of confusion

Clouds & Cross: Despair


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Looking for a deck of your own? You can see some Popular Decks here.

For guidance on different card layouts, do take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!