Birds Card Combinations

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The Lenormand Birds card combinations and possible meanings:

Birds & Rider: Delivery of messages; response; discussions

Birds & Clover: Chance conversation; lucky communication

Birds & Ship: Overseas negotiation; talking about a trip

Birds & House: Domestic discussions; house negotiations; flatmates

Birds & TreeHealth discussion; karmic conversation

Birds & Clouds: Mixed messages; miscommunication

Birds & Snake: Deceitful conversation; being buttered up; gossip

Birds & Coffin: Final communication; communication ends; silence

Birds & Bouquet: Lovebirds; pleasant conversation

Birds & Scythe: Cutting off communication; split

Birds & Whip: Sex-talk; challenging conversation; arguments

Birds & Child: Talking about pregnancy; childhood friends; beginner’s discussion; siblings

Birds & Fox: Work conversation; deceptive conversation

Birds & Bear: Financial discussion; manager’s meeting; financial meeting

Birds & Stars : Star interview; interview for promotion; promising chat

Birds & Storks: Introductory talk; new start in communication; conversation that changes things

Birds & Dog: Conversation with a friend

Birds & Tower: Media organization; official communication; legal discussion

Birds & Garden: Public discussion; social media; public speaking

Birds & Mountain: Communication delays; blocked communication

Birds & Crossroad: Multiple discussions; choice of communication; split

Birds & Mice: Anxious couple; worried communication

Birds & Heart: Love birds;  romantic talk; passionate conversation

Birds & Ring: Proposal; discussion around a contract; negotiations; agreement

Birds & Book: Secret conversation; seminar; teaching

Birds & Letter: Written communication; message; email

Birds & Man: Male discussion; man’s conversation; male communicator

Birds & Woman:  Female conversation; female communicator

Birds & Lily: Mature discussion; grown-ups talking; conveying wisdom

Birds & Sun: Motivational speaking; successful conversation

Birds & Moon: Emotional conversation; creative meeting; performer

Birds & Key: Significant conversation

Birds & Fish: Business meeting; business conversation; sales pitch

Birds & Anchor: Long-term discussion; meeting; togetherness

Birds & Cross: Counselling; religious conversation; weighty conversation


Sick of looking up Lenormand meanings online all the time? Sign up and grab my FREE downloadable 92-page E-Book with all the Lenormand Card Meanings, all 36 sets of Card Combination lists PLUS some great practice exercises to test your knowledge and understanding!

Looking for a deck of your own? You can see some Popular Decks here.

For guidance on different card layouts, do take a look at my Card Layouts page.

Want to see examples of the cards in action? Take a look at my Lozzy’s Lenormands Readings page, and see if your interpretations of the readings are the same as mine!