Overview Of Last Year:
A transition, crossing over point (Bridge), Positivity, blessings (Bouquet)
The last year represents a transitional phase, when you were moving to something better, to nicer or more pleasurable things, as well as to receiving rewards, blessings or gifts.
What Went Well:
Communication, talks, discussion (Birds), solutions, importance, crucial (Key)
Important communications that you needed to have went well, and also honing what you wanted to say.
What Didn’t Go Well:
A split or separation, division (Scythe) with a friend or friendship (Dog)
It looks as though a friendship or source of support has dried up or been divided, that you may have cut off from someone.
Update on Previous Years Section: This was all broadly the case, except I hadn’t had a split with a particular friend.
Problems To Address:
Blockages, delays, obstacles (Mountain), Problems, difficulties (Snake)
You have some problems with delays and getting past obstacles that need to be addressed. Things taking too much time to do, not quick enough, coming up against blockages, inner blockages also.
Advice At This Time
Puzzle or complex issue, a knot (Labyrinth), Guidance, direction (Compass)
You may need external guidance to get you through the knot or maze you’ve created, to steer you through the complexity
My Key To 2023
Knowledge, secret, learning (Book), a man in your life, male figure (Man)
A man appears to have the knowledge you seek, or can let you into the secret
Theme Or Focus For The Year Ahead
This next year will be a time for digging deep, and using all your inner resources.
Update: This was pretty accurate and contained the exact same themes, pretty much, as all the other spreads for my 2023 new year. It is very lacking in detail however, but can give you a broad overview. It was particularly good in terms of problems to address, which proved accurate and came up in the other spreads, as well as the mysterious male figure giving me information (he appeared in several other spreads also). Just goes to show! So a useful spread if you just want a VERY broad overview.