The Houses With Extra Gilded Lenormand Cards
So our Querent in this reading is the Woman and, unsurprisingly, it’s me. So.
The Four Corners, First Four Cards, The Four Cards At The Bottom
So the overall picture we get first of all from the four corners is that it’s something to do with time spent writing (Time-Letter) and a puzzle or conundrum that never seems to go away (Labyrinth, Anchor). You can also read corner cards, by the way, from the bottom left around the edges, which here, would give us a long time (Anchor-Time) spent in a puzzle or getting frustrated and stuck (Labyrinth) with what I’m writing (Letter). Now, the Letter does usually mean News, but it comes up a lot in my readings for “writing” in general as I’m a freelancer writer for a living, and also write creatively, but I’ve been getting annoyed with having little time to do the creative side of this. So this is true, not so much with blogging, but with my own creative writing work. I have a group of pieces that I’ve been trying to finish properly for ages and just seem to be going in circles with them. So the Labyrinth fits that very nicely. It also suggests possibly overloading with too many projects too, or a kind of neverending circle.
If I next go to the first four cards (some readers use three), I get losing time or it getting eaten away (Time-Mice) by money or business commitments (Ring-Fish). This is also true; often business needs and financial issues take precedence so creative stuff gets pushed to the bottom of the pile.
Finally, the bottom four cards suggest that a man who is official or maybe organised in some way can give me the solution to the burden (Man-Tower-Key-Cross). Perhaps some kind of productivity person, perhaps someone I know.
In terms of where in the spread I’m sitting, you can see that although I’m looking to the left to the Bouquet, so looking at the positives, I’m actually quite high up and with a lot of cards to the right of me. That means I’ve got quite a lot of control over events at this time, and it’s a reading that’s focused on my future.
In this spread, I’m sitting in the House of Scythe. Now, this could mean I’m in physical danger, injured… or just in a decisive frame of mind. The card that’s passing through my House of Woman, meanwhile, in Position 29, is the Fox. So I could be deceiving myself, or I could just be trying to keep my head above water in terms of everything I’m doing.
Now to the cards around me. As we said, I’m looking left to the Bouquet, so counting my recent blessings and positive things that have happened. But we also see that I have Bridges ahead, some crossing over process between A and B. Above me, we see again my time being eaten away by commitments (Time-Mice-Ring), and below me that there’s possibly some guidance on offer through talking to someone, or spoken guidance, close to home (House-Birds-Compass), perhaps a little “voice in my ear.”
To the left of me, we can see perhaps that I’ve been quite blessed with time in some ways, in terms of how I live day to day and those around me, that I’ve been gifted time in a way (Time-Bouquet-House), but there could be a voice in my ear nagging me about it (Mice-Woman-Birds). Ahead, the cards suggest that there needs to be some kind of commitment and guidance in terms of where to go next, the process of transition or moving things on (Ring-Bridges-Compass). Diagonally, the cards show guidance with regard to time (Time-Woman-Compass), and the need for commitment with regard to my domestic and family life and/or my domain (Ring-Woman-Home).
The cards knighting me are the Rider and Coffin, suggesting an ending is approaching, or that I’ll bring something to an end. Ahead, the Fish and the Well, suggesting I may have to dig deep for money.
So looking at the rows, columns, diagonals, if we start with the diagonal of the Time card here, we see Time on my mind, and getting guidance with regard to problems (Compass-Snake), or perhaps problems being “signs” in some way, and problems that can be age-related and burdensome or testing (Snake-Lilies-Cross). The cards going in the opposite direction show domestic commitments (Ring-Woman-House).
Above and below me, we see worries (Mice) and then talk or communication of a love or passion that is false in some way or is being masked (Birds-Heart-Mask).
In the row I’m sitting in, we see me looking back at blessings and positives (Bouquet-Woman) and in the process of “crossing a bridge” with regard to dreams and goals (Bridges-Stars), particularly my creative or vocational ones or those relating to my inner life (Stars-Moon). There are some risks coming up there, though, perhaps creative risks (Moon-Dice), a bit of a gamble that should turn out well and bring me success (Dice-Sun) in the public sphere (Sun-Garden)
The Time card is sitting in the first position, the House of Rider, which suggests either that the time is now, or that time is rushing somewhat as the Rider has that kind of manic energy. As we’ve seen, there’s a sense of time being eaten away or lost, wasted (Time-Mice) and that appears to be on my mind somewhat (Mice-Woman) although I’ve been blessed or gifted with time as well(Time-Bouquet). Meanwhile, the card sitting in the House of Time is the Lilies, showing that I’m getting older (thanks!) time is getting on.
We already know from the corner cards that there’s something to do with a long time stuck in the ‘maze’ of my writing (Anchor-Time-Labyrinth-Letter). There’ll be some sort of communication about that, as it’s being knighted by the Birds, and it’s likely some kind of transformation or even “shift” will occur in terms of time (Bridges), or I’ll find a way to make lost time up.
The Bridges are immediately ahead of me showing I’ll shortly be going through the process of achieving my dreams and ambitions (Woman-Bridges-Stars). Above it sit financial or business commitments that are worrying me (Mice-Ring-Fish) but the cards suggest that this is all part of the process of transition to fulfilling my goals. It looks as though digging deep for inner guidance, listening to my inner voice is part of the process required also (Birds-Compass-Well). There could be anxious voices in my head, self-doubting talk (Mice-Woman-Birds), but I should commit to be guided through the process (Ring-Bridges-Compass), although business and financial achievements may require digging very deep or digging into my funds (Fish-Stars-Well).
I may have to take a risk to get across (Bridges-Dice) and close off some options (Coffin-Crossroads). The Bridges are in the House of Whip, so it’s a process that may be rough or hard work, will require discipline. It’s knighted by time at home or time spent on domains, perhaps (Time-House), suggesting time spent at home or on domains will be something I’m moving away from, through a process of dealing with betraying or having problems with something I love (Heart-Snake), but possibly then having to deal with friend or support problems or uncertainty about help (Dog-Clouds). Meanwhile, the card sitting in position 38 House of Bridges is the Child, so this has an element of having to go through something right from the beginning or start again.
The Compass shows guidance and direction, so it’s worth looking first where the arrow is pointing to and from. Here, it’s pretty much moving from love or passion (Heart) and completion (Coffin) towards dreams and goals again (Stars), but via the Bridges. It shows guidance, then, based on love and passion, but also the process of completion and achievement.
What else? The Compass is sitting in the House of Tower, for organisation and structure, so there’s likely a need for structured guidance here, like a plan. There is a strong sense too that inner guidance forms a huge part of this, digging deep and really listening to myself (Birds-Compass-Well), and we can see already that the guidance will be about how I achieve my goals, hopes and dreams.
It’s being mirrored by the Magnifying Glass, too, showing that guidance should be examined closely, or that involves attention to detail. The Compass is also being knighted by the Bouquet and Rider, suggesting I should be guided by the blessings that have already arrived, and also by any business or money concerns or losses (Mice-Fish), and perhaps by any shifting roles or “personas” or moving between them, wearing different “hats” (Mask-Ship). Finally, I may have to make some risky choices, or “chance it” on occasion (Dice-Crossroads). What’s appearing in position 42, the House of Compass? It’s the Tower! So we have the Compass in the House of Tower and the Tower in the House of Compass. In other words, it’s definitely about being guided by or needing organisation and structure.
Next to the Compass is the Well card, for which suggested in part that I should dig deep for inner guidance. It is sitting in the House of Garden, which is an odd combo, encompassing ‘outer’ and ‘inner’, perhaps suggesting that when it comes to other people, I’m likely to have to rely on my inner resources more than on others and what they do and think. There’s a kind of warning in there that my inner guidance may be a bit murky, dreamlike or unclear at times, or that the waters might be muddied (Compass-Well-Clouds), and that dreamlike quality continues with the cards above, where there’s a sense that I’ll have to make some emotional or creative internal shifts or transitions with regard to my dreams or inner landscape (Bridges-Stars-Moon). There could be some deep-rooted problems to do with finishing things or completion that I’ll have to find my way around, perhaps cunningly (Coffin-Snake-Fox). I’ll be finding some guidance on how to finish things (Bridge-Compass-Coffin), but also digging deep to address any problems with achieving my goals (Stars-Well-Snake). Ahead is some emotional uncertainty or confusion that I need to be alert to (Moon-Clouds-Fox).
Knighting the Well is the Woman and Heart, suggesting I should go deeper and look at what and who I love. It’s also about looking deeper with regard to friendships, commitments and alliances (Ring-Dog), I guess who I “ally to”, but also with some deep down age-related aches and pains, or curtailed experienced (Scythe-Lilies). Digging deep may also bring some risky choices – or taking a much needed chance of which way to go in (Dice-Crossroads).
The card in the position 41 House of the Well, meanwhile, is the Man. Perhaps a man will ask me pertinent questions that cause me to look a little deeper.
The Dice here is sitting in the House of Fox, so there’s a game-playing aspect to this, a sense of getting what I can. It should be successful though, and likely a creative or emotional risk (Moon-Dice-Sun). There could also be something hidden healthwise that I’m taking risks with and may need advice about, or a friend may (Dog-Book-Tree). A gamble may have a changed and clearer focus underneath it (Clouds-Magnifying Glass-Storks). A friend may be feeling gloomy (Dog-Moon-Clouds), and it might be worth me taking the risk of looking into why a bit more closely, finding out a bit more (Book-Dice-Magnifying Glass). Healthy changes are afoot if I take a chance (Tree-Sun-Storks)
The Dice are knighted by the Fish and Well, so a gamble may arise out of me digging deeper for money, and I may be taking things a little close to the wire in terms of financial security, or scrabbling around a bit (Fox-Bear). Luck and opportunities may seem confusing or puzzling, rather mysterious and complex (Labyrinth-Clover). Meanwhile, the card in 39 House of Dice is the Whip – so I should watch out for risky behaviour.
What should I be looking at more closely, in more detail? The Magnifying Glass is both sitting in the House of Crossroads AND sitting above the Crossroads card. I need to look more carefully at my options. Also with regard to changes I might want to make, be more precise, less vague (Clouds-Magnifying Glass-Storks), and think about positive risks to take creatively (Moon-Dice-Sun). Underneath, I should look more closely at my choices, whether I’m materially secure, or just doing what I have to do to make ends meet. (Fox-Crossroads-Bear). There could be some emotional confusion or vagueness causing this (Moon-Clouds-Fox), but I need to look more carefully at risky choices I might be making (Dice-Magnifying Glass-Crossroads) in order to make the most successful changes to my material security (Sun-Storks-Bear).
The cards knighting the Magnifying Glass show the need to look carefully at any problems with achieving ambitions or how I’ve overcome them in the past (Stars-Snake), as well as any health advice or the wellbeing of my friendships (Dog-Tree). I should keep an eye on any aches. pains or difficulties as I get older (Lilies-Whip), and also examine any distancing or isolation from people in my life (Garden-Mountain). The card that is sitting in position 44, the House of Magnifying Glass, is the Cross, urging me to look more closely at my responsibilities and anything that’s weighing me down.
The Labyrinth, a puzzle or conundrum I am facing, is sitting here in the House of Coffin, so it’s trouble with ending things, perhaps having a knot of projects all going on at once. It seems to be snagging up my energies (Tree-Labyrinth) and the optimum flow of them (Tree-Sun) and the “snag’ seems to be impacting my outside world in some way, perhaps how it appears to others, or perhaps I have multiple interlinking and complex “worlds” (Labyrinth-Garden).
As per the beginning of the reading, the four corners show there are “time snags” and a long time spent in knots or complexity with regard to what I’m writing (Anchor-Time-Labyrinth-Letter). The Labyrinth is being knighted by the Dice, showing a kind of “mess” of risks or gambles, as well as the Storks, so there could be multiple new starts, always starting new things, perhaps, or that making a fresh start is getting knotted up in some way by having too much to do. Meanwhile, the card falling in the House of Labyrinth is the Key, so I will be finding the solution to the problem.
The Mask represents things like “personas” or “hats” you might be wearing and isn’t always negative, although it can mean falseness and lies as well. It’s “putting a face on” something. Here, it’s sitting in my House of Fish, so is more likely to relate to “business faces” ie who or what I present for the purpose of business. Some kind of mask may be removed here, a long-time mask may come off, perhaps a veneer of stability (Anchor-Mask-Scythe). It seems to be connected with love and passions though (Heart-Mask), perhaps I’m pretending to like or care about something more than I do, and some kind of ending arrives around that (Rider-Heart-Coffin), and a final cut of some kind involving a man (Coffin-Scythe-Man).
The Mask is being knighted by the House and Compass, so the “face” I wear could involve being “guided” to what feels like home. There also appears to be a persona-related problem coming up with regard to an organisation or structure in general (Snake-Tower). The card sitting in position 40 House of Mask is the Letter, so this may well just involve different writing “hats” or personas.
This is the reason I tend to create “houses” even for extra cards rather than leave them blank. You can find a hidden trail through your Grand Tableau going from house to house to tell a “story”. Here’s the hidden path in this reading:
The story begins with me in decisive move or needing to cut things (Woman in Scythe), make long term cuts or decisions (Scythe in Anchor) bringing the solution to stability or a long term solution (Anchor in Key) to a situation or puzzle that has eluded and frustrated me (Key in Labyrinth). It’s the puzzle of how to finish or complete (Labyrinth in Coffin) my stories (Coffin in Letter). My writing is being masked, or the veneer or different roles and personas of “writing” (Letter in Mask) in business matters (Mask in Fish) and business domains (Fish in House). A new domain or house move on the cards (House in Storks) and change may bring worries (Storks in Mice) but they’re fortunate ones (Mice in Clover) with regard to what I love (Clover in Heart). There’s a hidden love or passion (Heart in Book) that’s been obscured or confused (Book in Clouds) by blockages and delays (Clouds in Mountain), a creative block (Mountain in Moon). I should open up my creative feelings freely (Moon in Child) in order to transition anew or find the road to start again (Child in Bridges) but I should bear in mind it might be a rough crossing and involve discipline (Bridges in Whip). I’ll take a really dicey risk (Whip in Dice) and be opportunist (Dice in Fox) which is what my mindset will be (Fox in Woman).
So that’s my reading using the extra cards. How did yo do?