What’s The Difference? News Cards

Lenormand Rider Card


The Rider often denotes news in Lenormand, but bear in mind that the Rider is generally the bringer of news, rather than the news itself. The Rider is a herald, delivering what needs to be delivered. The energy of this card is that of arrival, whether that be something or someone.




Lenormand Letter Card

The Letter tends to refer to written news and announcements, including emails, adverts, text messages, even online news sites as well as printed newspapers. Usually, it involves messages or information that you can actually read.





Lenormand Birds Card


The Birds refers to communication in general, but particularly spoken communication and chatter. So when it refers to news, it would be news someone tells you verbally, perhaps in a phone call. The Birds also has a very gossipy feel, so this would be more appropriate for bits of gossip and information overheard as well.